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Youth Alcohol Abuse and Treatment

Pacific Hills Treatment Centers, Inc., a premier Christian rehabilitation program for alcohol abuse cautions parents to keep their alcoholic beverages under key.

The latest California Healthy Kids Survey reveals that, on average, 39 out of every 100 high school students used alcohol in the past 30 days, an 11 percent jump from the year before. A decade-long decline in high school drinking reversed itself in 2009, according to a report released this month by The Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
Drinking parties are the No. 1 problem for minors above learning problems even above assaults.

The problem, many say, is with the attitudes and values of parents. Many see the early use of alcohol as a rite of passage, often serving alcoholic beverages in the home or supplying them after prom events. Youth are left with the impression then, that, if alcohol is permissible in that context, it should be allowed in other settings. With the escalation of youth related drunk driving accidents, parents playing bartenders are tied to the harm of their children.
Teens cited adult and youth acceptance, “alcohol is everywhere,” and “alcohol is not viewed as a drug” as top reasons why teen drinking is so prevalent.

Understand the drunken-driving crashes that maim and kill children are not isolated incidents. The risk is that, left unaddressed, there is a chance that an alcohol related accident could involve ones own child or someone known to the family. And, if several other studies are correct, there is every reason to believe that teenage drinking will get worse.

Pacific Hills Treatment Centers, Inc., a premier treatment program for alcohol addiction notes that by the time an adult seeks treatment (alcohol rehab ) for chronic alcohol abuse, often they have participated in alcoholic behaviors since early childhood, citing the availability of alcohol in the home.

About Pacific Hills Treatment Centers

However, there is hope. Pacific Hills, with their comprehensive approach to the treatment of the complex disorder, offers hope for the alcoholic and their family. They believe that no family need suffer in the silent torment of alcoholism and that every addict should have the opportunity for treatment. For further information as to how you can turn your loved one and your family around, call Kirby Dean at 1-800-662-2873

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