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Withdrawl From Sugar/carbs?

Question by livitup11: Withdrawl from sugar/carbs?
I just found out that I’m hypoglycemic. Unfortunately, as a side-effect of this, I have been eating a TON of sugars and carbs in order to compensate for my condition. What I really need to do is regulate my blood sugar by eating less sugar and carbs- it would really be best to eliminate them altogether.

How do I do this? Sugar and carbs are like a drug to me- I’m emotionally attached and I feel like crap if I don’t eat any. If I decide to go cold-turkey, how many days would I have to avoid carbs/sugar altogether before I can expect to be rid of my addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by greenmay
going cold turkey usually doesn’t work for most people with addictions. why don’t u gradually cut down, that way ure body will be in less of a shock when u stop all together

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