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Why Christians Make Miserable Addicts

Why Christians Make Miserable Addicts
Coming from an evangelical Christian background, I was familiar with the Bible verse, "Do not be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit." Alcoholism … Because I'm involved in an ongoing program of recovery, it no longer defines my life …
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Just Because He Breathes: Learning to Truly Love Our Gay Son
Though our hearts may have been good (we truly thought what we were doing was loving), we did not even give Ryan a chance to wrestle with God, to figure out what he believed God was telling him through scripture about his sexuality. We had believed …
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Homelessness sparks 'housing first' approach
Luttrull now works as a job counselor for recovering addicts at Centerstone, but it took her 20 years of descent before she found her answer at Centerstone's Recovery Engagement Center. Her childhood home was the site of her spiral down. She says her …
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