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What Would You Do to a Person Who Is a Confessed Filthy Multiple Rapist and Spent Time in “rehabilitation”?

Question by deburleigh: What would you do to a person who is a confessed filthy multiple rapist and spent time in “rehabilitation”?
He is released from prison and commits the act many more times, and is finally caught again: one of his victims is your daughter. She will never be able to have a true loving trusting marital relationship because of her brutal rape experience.. How many girls and women is enough for you to kill the SOB? I would have shot the monster the first time. He is not human not even an animal, he is a monster…

Best answer:

Answer by apple
How about you mind your own business? What happened to that girl doesn’t regard you. You shouldn’t have a say in all of this.
And by the way, if you would shoot him, well you’d go in jail, so don’t act dumb dude. Don’t be stupid. Mind your own business.

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