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What Happens During an Eating Disorder Assessment?

Question by ThompsonD: What happens during an eating disorder assessment?
I have to go in to “The Emily Program” which is a recovery program in Minnesota for people with eating disorders.

I’m going there for my bulimia and they said that there will be an all day assessment.

Does anybody know what happens?
My guess is asking questions and measurements and stuff,
but I don’t like not knowing what’s going to happen to me with something as important as this.

Best answer:

Answer by Aleta
Having been an inpatient with an eating disorder myself, I can at least tell you what I experienced my first day.

I met with a nutritionist, were we discussed what my caloric intake for the day should be, and how to not restrict myself. You’ll have to find a compromise between what you consider your ideal weight, and what is actually healthy for you.

I also met with a physiciatrist, to talk about WHY I felt the need to hang on to this disorder and why my bulimia made me feel “in control”.

You’ll most likely be weighed, given some sort of physical to make sure the bulimia hasn’t already caused any more imminent danger to your body.
They’ll also moniter your bathroom use.
Good luck to you, and know that recovery really does come to those who truly want it.

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