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Unique and Unorthodox Drug and Alcohol Rehab in South Florida, Into Action

Unique and Unorthodox Drug and Alcohol Rehab in South Florida, Into Action
The statistics are pretty bleak when it comes to early recovery, however Into Action Treatment's first clients are celebrating their 1 year sobriety date. In recovery, the sobriety date is like a badge of honor, representing the date an addict or …
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Into Action Treatment; A Unique Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in South
Into Action Treatment; A Unique Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in South Florida celebrates 1 Year Anniversary. IntoAction drug rehab out Boynton Beach, South Florida celebrates their 1 year anniversary this week. They are the only treatment center in …
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Into Action Treatment, drug rehab in South Florida, Hires Kevin McLoone as
Into Action Treatment, Alcohol rehab center in South Florida, hires alumni of their program to take over the position of PR liaison. Another success story for Into Action Treatment as they continue in their second year of operation. Share on Twitter …
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