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Underage Possession of Alcohol Warrant From 5 Years Ago?

Question by Catherine: Underage Possession of Alcohol warrant from 5 years ago?
I was driving home from work tonight and I got pulled over for speeding, and to my surprise I got pulled out of the car and handcuffed. They put me and the back of the cop car and told me I had a warrant out for my arrest because I failed to appear for an underage possession of alcohol charge from when I was 16. This charge is from the next county over, and I didn’t even know I had it.
I AM NOW 22 YEARS OLD! Married, with a child.
I have worked at numerous jobs and this never came up on anything.
Its from when I was at a party when I was 16 and the cops busted it, they took me to the police station and my parents came and got me and took me home. I moved on with life, and we never heard anything about this.
I am still in shock! The county the warrant is from told the police in this county that they didn’t have the staff to come pick me up right now, so they released me and told me to take care of it tomorrow.
They said if I had my son in the car he could have been turned over to the state!
What am I facing here? I thought juvenile records expired once you turned 18? How can they charge me with a juvinile crime from over 5 years ago!
I have a 4 month old exclusively breastfed son who is super attached to me, I couldn’t imagine or handle having to go to jail and leave him for a night! I

By the way, I live in Cuyahoga county Ohio and the warrant is from Lake county Ohio.

Best answer:

Answer by Badge203
Warrants stay with you until they are taken care of

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