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The More You Advance, the More You Move From Religion & Towards Spirituality. So Why Obsession With Religion?

Question by Artemis: The more you advance, the more you move from religion & towards spirituality. So why obsession with religion?

” “LEVEL ONE souls are completely self absorbed and unaware that there is a connection amongst all beings. They are totally focused on their own survival and live in fear. They believe there isn’t enough to go around, so they take whatever they want without considering others. All souls are created with an innate conscience that tells us the difference between right and wrong, but level one souls choose to bypass this instinct. They live as if this life is the only one they’ll ever have and believe that the Law of Karma does not apply to them. They see themselves as completely separate from others and believe that both spiritual and secular laws do not apply to them. They have no belief in a power outside of themselves and have not begun to love in the greater sense of the word. They treat people, animals and nature in a primitive manner, taking whatever they want for their own gratification and having no concern for others – and so level one is when the soul’s karma begins.

LEVEL TWO souls begin to open their hearts to others. They are less self-absorbed, less fearful, yet most of the time they exist in a place similar to level one. They gradually open up to the possibility that they are not completely alone and stop looking at others as unimportant or as threats to their survival. These souls cautiously begin to reach out to people, animals or nature around them. They learn a great deal on level two, yet they forget too, over and over in each lifetime and revert to their old ways.

LEVEL THREE souls continue to grow, understanding and remembering more of their oneness with humanity and their connection to god. AT LEVEL THREE THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF AND CONNECTION TO GOD IS SOLELY THROUGH RELIGION. THESE SOULS GRAVITATE TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF A GOD OF SHAME AND PUNISHMENT. They begin to understand the Law of Karma, to know that they can’t hurt others without being held accountable. They vacillate amongst fear of survival, fear of others and fear of god – but in the process they begin to learn to trust in a higher power. They take their first tentative steps in a positive direction – moving from their self absorbed, fearful states into broader and more inclusive systems of society. These souls take risks and discover the similarities between themselves and others, rather than focus on how and why they are separate from others.

LEVEL FOUR souls strive to understand their oneness with all living beings, animal and human, and with god and they try to live their lives accordingly. They have had many difficult lifetimes on levels one, two and three and have begun to have an inner understanding of life. They now search for help to gain a greater understanding of life, god, the universe, heal themselves and balance their karma. They begin their spiritual quest, asking more questions and reading more. Souls on all four levels suffer from many addictions in the physical world but recovery usually occurs on level four. They make great strides in their lives transitioning from their old beliefs into new more solid spiritual ones – they realize that the physical world is temporary and learn to detach from its importance. These souls see the wisdom in their life lessons and they welcome them and grow because of them. THEY STEP AWAY FROM RELIGION AND MOVE INTO SPIRITUALITY. They crave less physically and more spiritually, yearning for the truth about life, death and god.

LEVEL FIVE souls have healed all problems from all previous levels and have completed and balanced out all their karma and lessons – they are simply here to help us grow. They no longer want for anything, they are open to change, to new concepts and take responsibility for their lives. They have a greater consciousness and awareness about life on earth and god. They understand their oneness with all of creation. They do not need to return to earth because struggle and conflict are no longer in their consciousness – they have completely moved out of fear, hatred, war and poverty mindsets. They are focused on healing through love, abundance, god and showing the way to others.
There are no resentments on level five – no grieving or blaming of god or others – no immaturity such as competition or rebelliousness – no feelings of lack or limitation – these souls understand abundance and how it is created. There is a level of forgiveness which is foreign to us. Although level five souls can reincarnate on earth, many choose not to because the vibration is so heavy on earth and is very draining to the soul.

LEVEL SIX is far beyond earth – these souls are completely beyond physical consciousness.”

Echoes of the souls – Echo Bodine

So why are people so obsessed with religion (i.e. separation and “us vs them”) when everything is actually One? Why aren’t people realizing the Oneness of all creation?

Best answer:

Answer by Michael the Friendly Neanderthal
Culture is culture. It takes time before the culture changes.

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