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Talking to Kids Aobut Their Genetic Predisposition to Drug and Alcohol Abuse?

Question by rdh48040: talking to kids aobut their genetic predisposition to drug and alcohol abuse?
any good resources out there?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeancommunicates
All of your abstinence groups touch on drug and alcohol abuse.

The Right Step an Alcoholics Anonymis (AA) program is a good resource program for rehabilitation.

Alcohol addiction is often ancestral, heredity, and genetic. I truly believe in addictive personalities and substituting one for another like quitting smoking and taking up over eating. It has been seen too much to deny. All addictions are rooted in the need to be loved. Alcoholism, molestation and victimization run in families. There are familiar spirits that travel in families. The 12 Step program seems to teach “once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.” Not true, because God can rewire anything back to perfection where it use to be. When you say “no” God will meet you and honor that decision. Seen it happen too many times.

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