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Posts Tagged ‘sex addiction’

Question by Hollywood Jono: What exactly is a sex addiction assuming it’s real?
Assuming sex addiction is real and not just something created by the media and therapists looking for new cliental in this recession, what exactly is sex addiction? Is it a dependency or addiction to sex as someone would be addicted to drugs, cigarettes or alcohol, or is it more or less a compulsive disorder where someone will get an idea in their head that they need sex and need it now other wise they don’t feel right and continue to be nagged by this feeling? Or could it be a little of both?

Best answer:

Answer by Andreas Adry
the second one.. assuming it’s real..

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by Hollywood Jono: What exactly is a sex addiction assuming it’s real?
Assuming sex addiction is real and not just something created by the media and therapists looking for new cliental in this recession, what exactly is sex addiction? Is it a dependency or addiction to sex as someone would be addicted to drugs, cigarettes or alcohol, or is it more or less a compulsive disorder where someone will get an idea in their head that they need sex and need it now other wise they don’t feel right and continue to be nagged by this feeling? Or could it be a little of both?

Best answer:

Answer by Andreas Adry
the second one.. assuming it’s real..

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Hybrid addiction: When drug and sex addictions fuse
In the process of recovering from addiction Roger became a licensed addiction counselor and wrote the LDS recovery guide, “The Waterfall Concept, A blueprint for addiction recovery.” He blogs at his recovery website Print …

Orange Support Groups
Addiction recovery, 12-step Christian-based program — 8-9 p.m. Tues., Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, 104 Belmont Drive, Monticello. 970-485-0389. Adult Children of Alcoholics — Sat., beginners: 10-11 a.m., step: 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Goshen United …
Read more on Times Herald-Record

Question by Hollywood Jono: What exactly is a sex addiction assuming it’s real?
Assuming sex addiction is real and not just something created by the media and therapists looking for new cliental in this recession, what exactly is sex addiction? Is it a dependency or addiction to sex as someone would be addicted to drugs, cigarettes or alcohol, or is it more or less a compulsive disorder where someone will get an idea in their head that they need sex and need it now other wise they don’t feel right and continue to be nagged by this feeling? Or could it be a little of both?

Best answer:

Answer by Andreas Adry
the second one.. assuming it’s real..

Add your own answer in the comments!

Bay Area health and fitness events
Learn the basics of skating with the two-time U.S. gold medalist. 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday. $ 80. Yerba Buena Ice Rink, 750 … The Voice: One Man's Journey Into Sex Addiction and Recovery. David Kleinberg's solo theater piece exploring and …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle

New Learning Improvement Course at Freedom Treatment Center Changing Lives
If the recovering substance abuser does not know the basics of how to learn, then it is not possible to apply other skills they are expected to learn during their treatment. Addiction treatment at the Freedom Center teaches many life stills and coping …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Narconon Arrowhead Participates in Worldwide Celebration of 47 Years Fighting
It was in 1966 that the founder of Narconon, William "Willie" Benitez, an inmate in the Arizona State Prison system, made the firm decision to help other addicts recover from addiction by using the humanitarian works of L. Ron Hubbard. Willie had …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Question by Hollywood Jono: What exactly is a sex addiction assuming it’s real?
Assuming sex addiction is real and not just something created by the media and therapists looking for new cliental in this recession, what exactly is sex addiction? Is it a dependency or addiction to sex as someone would be addicted to drugs, cigarettes or alcohol, or is it more or less a compulsive disorder where someone will get an idea in their head that they need sex and need it now other wise they don’t feel right and continue to be nagged by this feeling? Or could it be a little of both?

Best answer:

Answer by Andreas Adry
the second one.. assuming it’s real..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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