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Posts Tagged ‘residential treatment center’

Upcoming events at Victory Addiction Recovery Center
Victory Addiction Recovery Center would like to announce some upcoming events this week aimed at educating and bettering our community. On Wednesday, April 28th at 6:00 p.m., counselor, writer, and speaker Roy Petitfils will present "Bored, Addicted, …
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The Seedy Underbelly of Rehab Centers' Online Marketing
Lack of scientific evidence aside, residential treatment centers (also known as addiction recovery centers or rehab centers) purport to offer a safe, supportive treatment environment for a person to detox from their addiction, typically for up to 30 …
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Technology addiction
She has founded and the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery. She compares online addiction to drugs or alcohol, because the Internet provides addicts with the same kind of 'high' and they become dependent on it to feel normal. How …
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Effective addiction treatment rehab center is what you need to combat the addiction problem that your loved ones have found difficult to overcome. Existence of several rehab centers just makes the task of selecting an ideal one quite difficult! So if you are also facing this similar problem then you will find this article quite helpful. Here, few key tips are highlighted that will assist you in selecting the right rehab center for your loved one.

Reputed rehab center: reputation of the residential treatment centers is what you should consider first before selecting the right one. Rehab center with a long successful track record should be given the preference.
Tailor-made therapeutic program: the severity of the addiction problem will vary from patient to patient. Therefore, the addiction rehab center that you choose should offer tailor-made treatment therapies to the patient. The treatment plans should be prescribed after analyzing the mental and physical condition of the addicted.
One-to-one counseling: an effective addiction rehab center should have proper one-to-one counseling sessions. This will help the therapist to understand the reasons that lead the patient in falling prey to the concerned addiction. Accordingly the therapist can then suggest apt rehab plan for the addicted.
Diverse treatment programs: renowned residential treatment centers generally offers varied addiction treatment programs to the patients. Apart from counseling and detox, they also offer an array of therapy courses which include Psychotherapy, family therapy, group therapy, individual therapy and so on. All these will assist the addicted to attain the right mental balance and composure.
Proficient medical staffs: the panel of therapists, counselors and medical staffs of the center also plays a significant role in imbibing the willingness to combat addiction among the addicted. Therefore, this factor should also be given due consideration.

It would be wise to consider the above points carefully before selecting an apt addiction treatment rehab center for the treatment of the addiction victim

For more information on addiction treatment, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the residential treatment centers!

The prevalence of prior traumatic events (e.g. adoption, sexual abuse, divorce, etc.) for many youth suggest that there are environmental causes in play as well that may need to be processed therapeutically—that simply being on the “right” medications may not be enough. In such cases, residential treatment centers specifically tailored for adolescents struggling with bipolar can literally be life-saving. Parents with teens diagnosed with bipolar who have tried a variety of different medications over the years without too much success are those most likely to see benefit from such a residential treatment center.

Bipolar disorder Treatment Centers designed with the bipolar adolescent in mind will meet the various needs of that teen: a strong psychiatric component (assessment and ongoing monitoring); therapy and therapists trained to resolve any prior traumatic issues and/or damaging beliefs; fully accredited education while they are in treatment; and vitally important for those with a history of self harm or suicidal ideation, 24/7 staffing to help the teens develop skills and learn coping behaviors safely.

More recently, youth treatment has seen the introduction of a number of specialized therapies that can be very helpful to a bipolar teen. The skills of emotional regulation taught by dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) can be useful for a teen struggling with bipolar. The tactile lessons taught by equine-assisted psychotherapy (therapy with horses) and recreational therapy can also be powerful in teaching concepts less understood for many through words. Indeed, these supplemental therapies can combine with the traditional talk therapy and proper medication management to help young people make significant progress in working through past issues and in learning how to cope with what is typically a life-long challenge.

This is great news for parents not used to finding answers in dealing with bipolar. With the right residential treatment, many lives have been significantly changed for the better!






For more information about Bipolar disorder Treatment Please visit:

Residential Rehabilitation Center for Wounded Veterans to Open Monday
A once-controversial residential rehabilitation center for wounded veterans is scheduled to open in Old Town Monday. The 40-bed Aspire Center, operated by the Veterans Administration healthcare system, is at the former site of the Thomas Jefferson …

Dr. Scott Alpert of The Clearing Residential Treatment Center Receives
Established in 2012, The Clearing SPC (Social Purpose Corporation) is a residential treatment center specializing in a wide variety of addictive and limiting behaviors, including alcoholism, substance abuse, emotional stability, mood and eating …
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New drug treatment facility proposed
Last month, Catholic Charities said it would cease using Parmadale Institute as a residential treatment center for troubled youths, but it will continue other social service programs there, including mental health services. WKYC-TV. Monica Robins, WKYC …
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New Haven Residential Treatment Center opens new residential home and
Industry leader in family-based treatment for almost twenty years, New Haven Residential Treatment Center announced the opening of its new residential home and new school for teen girls on its Saratoga Springs Campus, located 30 minutes south of Salt …

Addictions Specialist Joins Promises Treatment Centers as Director of Young
Promises Treatment Centers welcomes Joni Ogle, LCSW, CSAT, as its Director of Young Adult Programs. In this role, Ms. Ogle oversees Promises' intensive outpatient and residential treatment programs for young adults in Los Angeles, Calif. Ms. Ogle has …
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Family sues Dr. Phil, Utah treatment center
SYRACUSE — The family of a teenage girl who claims she was berated on television by Dr. Phil and then sent to a residential treatment center in Utah where she was falsely imprisoned, has filed a civil lawsuit. Terri and David Myers, on behalf of their …

Selena Gomez Drinks Alcohol Again After Rehab
In early Feb., Selena Gómez voluntarily and secretly interned herself at a rehab center in Arizona, where, according to reports by People en Español magazine, she stayed for two weeks to get treatment for her consumption of marijuana and alcohol.
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Free Alcoholism Newsletter! Sign Up
I am an addict in recovery and grateful for getting well. I was ordered by the court to attend a 6 month residential treatment center for women, because there was an open bed. The clients there are mostly ones right out of prison. I have not ever been …
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