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Posts Tagged ‘physical therapy’

Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center opens physical rehab center
DAYTONA BEACH — Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center has centralized its outpatient rehabilitation and therapy services, opening a roughly 6,100-square-foot addition at its main campus.
Read more on Daytona Beach News-Journal

Fmr rehab facility owner pleads guilty to Medicare fraud
LEE COUNTY, Fla.- The former owner and operator of multiple physical therapy rehabilitation facilities in Southwest Florida pleaded guilty today for his role in organizing and leading a $ 28.3 million Medicare fraud scheme. Luis Duluc, 53, pleaded …
Read more on Wink News

Question by brother from QG: What is the job of a therapist all about?
The idea of therapy attracts my attention and I’d like to know if it’s gonna be worth studying it when I get into college. But I need to understand what is therapy and what’s the job of a therapist. Give me as much info as you can!! Thank you!
i don’t know what area I wanna go into in therapy. can’t you tell me a bit about each kind in like a paragraph or two for each kind of a therapy profession plz? That would really help me understand y’know.

Best answer:

Answer by Pask
Well first, you have to figure out what area of therapy you want to go into – psychotherapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, the list goes on.

What do you think? Answer below!

Local public and private drug treatment centers in Florida continue to be filled with people struggling with an addiction to prescription painkillers. At Hillsborough County’s public drug treatment center, there are 20 beds for people who volunteer, or are ordered by the court, to complete a four-day detox program.

The drug treatment center is run by the Agency for Community Treatment Services and has most of its beds filled by people who are addicted to opiates.

“If they’re 40 or under, it’s going to be opiates,” said Michael Strolla, the assistant medical director of the drug treatment center.

Most of the patients at the drug treatment center had legitimate pain before they became addicted to the opiates. They tell the story of failed attempts at physical therapy, massage and acupuncture before they acknowledged they were addicted to the pain pills.

“It’s a common story,” said Strolla. “These people, most of them, truly thought they were doing the right thing after tweaking their back or getting injured.”

There are about 70 pain clinics in Hillsborough County and 35 in the Tampa area. According to Bruce Grant, the director of the state Office of Drug Control, there are about 1,000 pain clinics registered in Florida. On October 1, new state laws went into effect making it more difficult to register and operate pain clinics in Florida. The pain clinics are now subject to inspections by state regulators and could be closed if they are not in compliance. A statewide drug monitoring program may also help stem the rising tide of prescription drug abuse.

“I’ve lost 16 friends in three years,” said Lindsay Roberts, a paralegal at a Tampa law firm. “I’ve lost so many people to the same thing. I’m to the point where I can’t cry anymore. I’m just angry.”

At The Treatment Center, our passion is, simply, you. Our mission is to restore you and your families hope. We exist because we feel strongly about helping people overcome their drug or alcohol addictions in a safe, medically supervised and supportive environment. Our primary job is to help you get sober – and stay sober – restoring your hope in yourself and your future.

The Treatment Center is different than other substance abuse treatment providers – we’re prepared to stand beside you every step of the way in your recovery process.

That’s why we offer a full range of services – all in one location – to ensure that your healing can proceed without disruption:

• Full medical detoxif

Question by brother from QG: What is the job of a therapist all about?
The idea of therapy attracts my attention and I’d like to know if it’s gonna be worth studying it when I get into college. But I need to understand what is therapy and what’s the job of a therapist. Give me as much info as you can!! Thank you!
i don’t know what area I wanna go into in therapy. can’t you tell me a bit about each kind in like a paragraph or two for each kind of a therapy profession plz? That would really help me understand y’know.

Best answer:

Answer by Pask
Well first, you have to figure out what area of therapy you want to go into – psychotherapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, the list goes on.

Give your answer to this question below!

Vivitrol and Families Matter Help Three Residents with Addiction
VILLAS – For every drug-related arrest or overdose in Cape May County, there is a story of redemption, of recovery. Three area residents sat down with the Herald in July … Each person featured in this article was a part of the Vivitrol Pilot Program …
Read more on Cape May County Herald (press release)

Physical therapy offers a safe and effective alternative to drugs in treating
Other medications such as oxycodone (Percocet when combined with acetominophen) and hydrocodone (Vicodin when combined with acetominophen) also have various serious side effects and are highly addictive. A February 2008 report published in the …
Read more on News Transcript

Question by brother from QG: What is the job of a therapist all about?
The idea of therapy attracts my attention and I’d like to know if it’s gonna be worth studying it when I get into college. But I need to understand what is therapy and what’s the job of a therapist. Give me as much info as you can!! Thank you!
i don’t know what area I wanna go into in therapy. can’t you tell me a bit about each kind in like a paragraph or two for each kind of a therapy profession plz? That would really help me understand y’know.

Best answer:

Answer by Pask
Well first, you have to figure out what area of therapy you want to go into – psychotherapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, the list goes on.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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