Opiate addiction support group coming to Cape
WEST YARMOUTH — Joanne Peterson needed help finding treatment for her pill-addicted son. So in 2004 she founded a small support group for parents to seek out resources for her son, who is now in long-term recovery for opiate addiction.
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Drug addicts find support in Tangiers pioneer clinic
In Morocco's drug capital Tangiers, a pioneering clinic is trying to help addicts fight a rising habit in a conservative Muslim state where many would prefer the problem stay underground. "I don't want to steal from people to get my fix," Mohammed …
Read more on Middle East Online
Cheshire Human Services Offers Addiction Support Training
CAP provides six hours of in-depth training with addiction professionals on topics such as available treatment options, community resources, referrals, and ongoing support services The end goal is the creation of early intervention within the community …
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HELP World Mental Health Day: Breaking Your Addiction
Our theme this year is “Addiction”, we aim to enlighten the public about what addiction actually is, encourage people who are suffering from addiction to seek professional help, and lastly to educate people on the proper addiction prevention methods.
Read more on PsychCentral.com (blog)
Opiate addiction support group coming to Cape
WEST YARMOUTH — Joanne Peterson needed help finding treatment for her pill-addicted son. So in 2004 she founded a small support group for parents to seek out resources for her son, who is now in long-term recovery for opiate addiction.
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Marinette lawmaker confronts daughter's heroin addiction, seeks new legislation
"You face it, head on," says John Nygren, co-chair of the powerful Joint Finance Committee. There are no sure things about Cassie Nygren, whether she'll kick heroin once and for all or succumb to the all-too-familiar cycle of addiction, recovery and …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
First step to addiction recovery has to come from addict
Just as crack cocaine nearly took away a generation decades ago, heroin is threatening another generation. Drug abuse can take over the lives of people, but they don't have to live like that. September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery …
Read more on Marietta Times
Freeholder Gabor to Host Family Information Session on Addiction
The increase in treatment admissions for heroin and other opiates in Cape May County has more than doubled since 2006, which is higher than all but two counties. Statewide, the number of people seeking treatment for opiate addiction, which is often a …
Read more on Cape May County Herald (press release)
Recovering from addiction
Josh Byrum, a recovering opiate addict living in Bucyrus, also said a mental sickness clouded his judgment. “I know my thinking isn't the right thinking,” he said. “I've used drugs since I was 10 years old. My first thought was usually the wrong …
Read more on Marion Star
Orexo receives US FDA approval for Zubsolv for treatment of opioid dependence
Orexo US, Inc., an emerging specialty pharmaceutical company marketing improved treatments for opioid dependence using proprietary drug delivery technology, has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Zubsolv …
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Painkiller addicts hit Medicaid limits
A report commissioned by the American Society of Addiction Medicine found that Medicaid agencies in just 28 states cover all three of medications that the Food and Drug Administration has approved for opioid addiction treatment: methadone …
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Schlüsselburg – Lná?e Municipality. Former Prachens province in the southwest of Bohemia.
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Schlüsselburg – Lná?e Municipality. Former Prachens province in the southwestern Bohemia/CZE.
Schlüsselburg – Lná?e – Town of Lnar Municipality
It lies in the northwestern part of Prachens province, some 50 km to the southeast from PILSEN or 100 km southwards from PRAGUE. The easiest way how to reach the locality is to follow international route E49 from Pilsen to [Bohemian] Budweis.
Municipality was mentioned for the first time in the start of the 14th century AD, yet it has been inhabited continually since the 7.-6. century BC by Celts, Marcomans, Doudlebs and their posterity. First knights of Schlüsselburg were an aristocracy of German origin residing at so-called ‚Old Stronghold‘ near a passing of Smolivec Brook en route from the Pisek City to the Pilsen City. Why two names? That’s quite simple – the German name is probably older and means ‚The Key Fort‘, for a legendary golden key was found on the site of fort on the day of St. Mary. The Bohemian name is far less romantic – a flix plant [used as material by common people for their clothing ] was grown here in a large quantity, therefore Lnare means ‚Flix-growers’municipality‘. The English name ‚Town of Lnar‘ could be still find on a 1945 WWII memorial in the centre. The ancient Prachens Region had had its first centre in Prachens [Horazdovice, 20km to the south], than for centuries in Pisek City until the 19th century.
Schlüsselburg was a village drowned in „sea of woods“ on the shores of muddy streams in a vast swampland, which actually covered much of nowadays Blatna Valley. This bogs had been (similarily to another famous lake district town of Wittingau-Trebon) transformed into a very extensive lakeland with hundreds of ponds and lakes. Not only these new semi-artificial lakes protected municipality from health issues connected to bogs and severe floods, but enabled growth of famed fishing industry, major source of revenues until quite recently. After 17th century some decline in fishing industry occurred and much of the waters were drained for new, prospective usage – sheep pastures. As of 1840 there were some 13,000 sheep. Second revival of the fishing industry occured during the 19th century, thanks to the care of local aristocracy. In the 19th century Dr. Theodor Mokry created a breed of an unscaly carp called ‚Lnarsky modrak‘ (‚Bluefish of Lnare‘). A wave of modernity arrived with first train on a brand line between towns Blatná and Pomuk-Dvorec some hundred years ago. Unfortunately for the municipality this train line eased a dramatical outflow of locals into fast growing metropolis of West Bohemian Region, Pilsen. After 1918 the municipality became part of Czechoslovakia, later of Protectorate ‘Böhmen und Mähren‘ and after 1948 part of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. The winter Velvet Revolution of 1989 brought an end to this totalitarian state and we are enjoying first 20 years of cultural, social and economic revival. Our two chateaux returned to local hands; the larger ‚New‘, to non-aristocratic Vanicek Family and the ‚Old‘ one belongs to the municipality. Devastating floods in August 2002 damaged strongly our valley but we succeeded in rebuilding all of it during 2002-2004. We are pleased to welcome more and more European newcomers [settlers] and visitou every year. Thank You for Your favour 😉
Municipality is rich in architecture, unique landscape and sights, for example:
Baroque church of St. Joseph [17. century] with very unique fresco paintings
Baroque Chateau [or ‚New Chateau‘, 17. century] – frescoes with mythical ancient Gods, English-French garden [4 hect.] with a little mosque, several stone fountains, pools and rare wood species…
Chapel of St. Anna [end of the 17. cent.]
Annaberg – complex of frame houses, first half of the 19. cent. (in the style of SW German Swabia)
‚Old Stronghold‘ – at least 700 years old remnant of original wooden fort , rebuilt in 1597 as a stone-brick Renaissance chateau; first mentioned in 1465. Now hosts a gallery of contemporary art, infocentre, and flats.
Monumental classical barnyard from the 19. century
Primary school, more than 110 years old
Parish & monastery Church of the Saintest Trinity with the icon of Our Mother of Lnar [17. cent.]
Gothical grave-yard Church of St. Nicholas [14. cent.]
Baroque Chapel in Zahorcice [17. cent.]
Baroque sculptures of saint protectors [at least 9 of them]
Baroque sculptures of [11 pieces, 17. century]
The Giant Logan [some 30 tons, 5 km to the south in Kadov; protected by the law. The biggest and perhaps the most easily accessible in all Bohemia]
Perfect organised pathways/cycleways with infopanels through the countryside
For Geochaching lovers – few caches are to be found here as well 😉
plus a great wealth of protected lakes, meadows, woods, castles, churches….
Rehab centers seeing more pill addicts
The new facility has the same components as the Carmel and Indianapolis rehabilitation centers including detoxification, rehabilitation, residential and outpatient services, supportive living, recovery management, education and family involvement …
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Addiction rehab center to open
MARIETTA – A new medication-assisted drug rehabilitation and counseling center is set to open in Marietta later this summer. SelfRefind, a Danville, Ky.-based business, helps patients with opiate addictions lessen their dependency on the drugs with the …
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Addiction rehab and counseling center to open
A new medication-assisted drug rehabilitation and counseling center is set to open in Marietta later this summer. SelfRefind, a Danville, Ky.-based business, helps patients with opiate addictions lessen their dependency on the drugs with the use of …
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Opiate addiction is a terrible and rising tragedy. More and more people are choosing to take heroin, morphine, codeine, and other prescription painkillers in an attempt to get a cheap high. There is no way to say why this is happening, but the consequences to both society and the individual are quite clear.
There are a number of different ways that a person can start as an opiate addict. Typically, people suspect, a person who becomes an addict was genetically inclined to do so. They just had to get a little push for the addiction to start. Had they never been introduced to opiates, there likely would have been no problem, but once introduced, there genetically is no way for a person to get out of the trap. For example, this may start due to a simple injury. Perhaps a doctor prescribes some codeine to help a person kill the pain of a broken leg. Whatever it is, once a person takes the first drug, an addict will want more and more, and stuff that is stronger and stronger, until they are actively searching for other drugs, including heroin.
Once a person is an addict, it is not hard to identify them as such. The most common symptom is a constant preoccupation with getting the drug, especially in an illegal fashion. Withdrawal symptoms, for somebody who is already addicted, can include being irritability when not on the drug, lying to get a prescription (for prescription drugs), and a general obsession with the drug. And, therefore, the only way to combat an addiction is to withhold the drugs. This can create horrible withdrawal symptoms, but once a person is over the drug, if they never, ever, touch the drugs again, there may be some potential for long-term recovery.
And now I invite you to come learn more about opiate addiction.
Painkiller epidemic especially pronounced near Fort Bragg
Statistics show that more oxycodone — the main ingredient in Percocet and other addictive painkillers — was sold at pharmacies in the Fayetteville area than anywhere else in North Carolina in 2011. The sale of hydrocodone, a slightly less powerful …
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Bitter Pills series: Fort Bragg Spc. Stephen Currier puts face on growing …
A Fayetteville Observer analysis of state and county records found that opiate painkillers contributed to 95 deaths in Cumberland County between 2008 and 2011, more than the previous eight years combined. In the counties surrounding Fort Bragg – Hoke …
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Addiction rehab center to open
The Suboxone works to reduce powerful withdrawal symptoms that an opiate addict might have because it stimulates the brain's receptors in a similar way; however Suboxone is much less powerful than opiates, giving addicts the opportunity to lessen their …
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