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Posts Tagged ‘jesus christ’

Question by Mrs.J: What is a good “finding peace within” book?
I am struggling with a few different addictions and compulsions
my life is unmanageable and it is starting to tear my relationships apart. I am now reading “Women,Sex,and Addiction” by Charlotte Kasl and “Healing our Family History” by Rebecca Hintze. I prefer books that are more recent and written in “english” I can understand instead of all those big word technical term books out there. I am on a path to enlightenment and would like more book suggestions.

Best answer:

Answer by monkeyboy
The bible! Modern day psychology can’t answer your questions. The void you’re trying fill with these compulsions/addictions is a void only filled by Jesus Christ. I pray you find Him.

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Finding the path from homelessness
Before that, she said, they lived at the Regina House, a women's shelter also in Santa Ana, and at a Prototypes addiction recovery home for women and children in Tustin. They also spent some time at the Armory Shelter. Before that, Rebkowitz struggled …
Read more on Daily Pilot

Family impelled his career
But there were Broadway classics, too, in the Maroulis family collection. "I fell in love with stuff like the booming '70s-film-version soundtrack to Jesus Christ Superstar," he says with a laugh. "And the movie of West Side Story. Every time it came …
Read more on Philadelphia Inquirer

2012 Juicey Awards: Lindsay Lohan, Rihanna, Hulk Hogan and more!
In a particularly astonishing 12 days between November and December, she was faced with the harsh realities of her failed TV movie, an arrest for allegedly punching a West Palm woman in a New York club, three more charges in her June car crash and the …

Question by Mrs.J: What is a good “finding peace within” book?
I am struggling with a few different addictions and compulsions
my life is unmanageable and it is starting to tear my relationships apart. I am now reading “Women,Sex,and Addiction” by Charlotte Kasl and “Healing our Family History” by Rebecca Hintze. I prefer books that are more recent and written in “english” I can understand instead of all those big word technical term books out there. I am on a path to enlightenment and would like more book suggestions.

Best answer:

Answer by monkeyboy
The bible! Modern day psychology can’t answer your questions. The void you’re trying fill with these compulsions/addictions is a void only filled by Jesus Christ. I pray you find Him.

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Question by Mrs.J: What is a good “finding peace within” book?
I am struggling with a few different addictions and compulsions
my life is unmanageable and it is starting to tear my relationships apart. I am now reading “Women,Sex,and Addiction” by Charlotte Kasl and “Healing our Family History” by Rebecca Hintze. I prefer books that are more recent and written in “english” I can understand instead of all those big word technical term books out there. I am on a path to enlightenment and would like more book suggestions.

Best answer:

Answer by monkeyboy
The bible! Modern day psychology can’t answer your questions. The void you’re trying fill with these compulsions/addictions is a void only filled by Jesus Christ. I pray you find Him.

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