There is no doubt that choosing the right health insurance for you and your family is a very important decision in which you need to ensure that your requirements are met at an affordable price. In this article we will look at some of the fundamental requirements that you need from health insurance and the best way of finding a quotation to meet them.
There are several objectives of private health insurance. The primary one is to cover the cost of obtaining health care for acute medical conditions from which you might anticipate making a full recovery though equally important is being able to access private consultants directly and fast tracking access to important diagnostic tools.
The advantage of private care over the NHS is that you can bypass waiting lists, select your place and time of treatment, and enjoy such facilities as a private room should you need to spend nights in hospital. You can also chose your consultant and ensure that you are seen by him or her directly rather than by an assistant.
Different health insurance policies offer different kinds of cover and come with a range of different prices. Some offer only very basic and limited cover whilst others offer very comprehensive cover. Before getting a quote you should consider the type of cover you require. For instance do you need to be able to choose which hospital and which consultant? Do you require private consultations? Do you need to include dental treatment? Is health screening important to you? The choices you make will have a significant effect on the cost of your policy.
Some policies are priced according to your age and your health history and provide a basic plan which tends to be inflexible, whilst others can be tailor made to meet the specific requirements of you and your family.
There are several ways for setting up health insurance but, as with many things nowadays, the simplest and most straight forward way to do it is online. Unsurprisingly there are a number of comparison websites that will allow you to quickly compare prices, and see at a glance what is covered by the policies from a large range of companies along with their basic restrictions concerning age and medical history.
However, comparison websites are not always the best way to locate the best deals available. Some health insurance companies will allow you to tailor your health insurance plan online so that you can rapidly see the effect on the cost of adding and excluding specific items and of adjusting the levels of cover that you require. This is the ideal way of obtaining an online quote that covers the items that are specifically important to you and your family’s needs.
Bobby Roughfield is an online journalist specialising in writing content about medical insurance and health care.
Best answer:
Answer by raysny
The most recent I could find for the US has the figures for 1997:
“A study shows that the U.S. spent a combined $ 11.9 billion on alcohol and drug abuse treatment, while the total social costs were more than $ 294 billion. The results were part of the National Estimates of Expenditures for Substance Abuse Treatment, 1997, which was released at the end of April by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.
The report, prepared by the MEDSTAT Group for SAMHSA, examines how much is spent in the U.S. to treat alcohol and drug abuse, how that spending has changed between 1987 and 1997, how much of the spending is done by the private and public sectors, and how substance abuse expenditures compare to spending for mental health and other health conditions in the U.S.”
In NY:
“States report spending $ 2.5 billion a year on treatment. States did not distinguish whether the treatment was for alcohol, illicit drug abuse or nicotine addiction. Of the $ 2.5 billion total, $ 695 million is spent through the departments of health and $ 633 million through the state substance abuse agencies. We believe that virtually all of these funds are spent on alcohol and illegal drug treatment.”
Source: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, Shoveling Up: The Impact of Substance Abuse on State Budgets (New York, NY: CASA, Jan. 2001), p. 24.
States Waste Billions Dealing with Consequences of Addiction, CASA Study Says
May 28, 2009
The vast majority of the estimated $ 467.7 billion in substance-abuse related spending by governments on substance-abuse problems went to deal with the consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, not treatment and prevention, according to a new report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University.
The report, titled, “Shoveling Up II: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal, State and Local Budgets,” found that 95 percent of the $ 373.9 billion spent by the federal government and states went to paying for the societal and personal damage caused by alcohol and other drug use; the calculation included crime, health care costs, child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness and other consequences of tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction.
Just 1.9 percent went to treatment and prevention, while 0.4 percent was spent on research, 1.4 percent went towards taxation and regulation, and 0.7 percent went to interdiction.
“Such upside-down-cake public policy is unconscionable,” said Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA’s founder and chairman. “It’s past time for this fiscal and human waste to end.”
CASA estimated that the federal government spent $ 238.2 billion on substance-abuse related issues in 2005, while states spent $ 135.8 billion and local governments spent $ 93.8 billion. The report said that 58 percent of spending was for health care and 13.1 percent on justice systems.
Researchers estimated that 11.2 percent of all federal and state government spending went towards alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse and addictions and its consequences. The report said that Connecticut spent the most proportionately on prevention, treatment and research — $ 10.39 of every $ 100 spent on addiction issues — while New Hampshire spent the least — 22 cents.
Key Findings
Of the $ 3.3 trillion total federal and state government spending, $ 373.9 billion –11.2 percent, more than one of every ten dollars– was spent on tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction and its consequences.
The federal government spent $ 238.2 billion (9.6 percent of its budget) on substance abuse and addiction. If substance abuse and addiction were its own budget category at the federal level, it would rank sixth, behind social security, national defense, income security, Medicare and other health programs including the federal share of Medicaid.
State governments spent $ 135.8 billion (15.7 percent of their budgets) to deal with substance abuse and addiction, up from 13.3 percent in 1998. If substance abuse and addiction were its own state budget category, it would rank second behind spending on elementary and secondary education.
Local governments spent $ 93.8 billion on substance abuse and addiction (9 percent of their budgets), outstripping local spending for transportation and public welfare.¹
For every $ 100 spent by state governments on substance abuse and addiction, the average spent on prevention, treatment and research was $ 2.38; Connecticut spent the most, $ 10.39; New Hampshire spent the least, $ 0.22.
For every dollar the federal and state governments spent on prevention and treatment, they spent $ 59.83 shoveling up the consequences, despite a growing
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Dual diagnosis rehab centers treat psychiatric illnesses, accompanied by substance abuse issues. Treatment at dual diagnosis rehab centers should address the mental health disorders along with the substance abuse issues like alcoholism and/or drug addiction. The centers that treat dual diagnosis conditions understand that both illnesses have deleterious effects on the psychological, spiritual, social, and physical well-being.
Diagnosing two illnesses
A person diagnosed with dual disorders is affected by two or more conditions that are different but interrelated. Treatment at dual diagnosis rehab centers addresses the symptoms of illnesses identified by the treatment providers in order to devise a unique treatment program that addresses those conditions. As multiple illnesses are present, the symptoms may and commonly do overlap contributing to the complexity of treatment.
The goal of dual diagnosis rehab centers is overcome the substance abuse issues and properly manage, and ideally overcome, the mental health issues. Treatment requires time and significant commitment on the part of the patient and the treatment provider at dual diagnosis rehab centers. If all conditions are not discovered and address, relapse is very likely.
Finding the right dual diagnosis rehab centers
Dual diagnosis is a complex illness that requires proper care and attention from appropriately trained and experienced health care professionals. Families and patients, themselves, are advised to carefully select only dual diagnosis rehab centers that provide all of the necessary treatment services required to achieve symptomatic relief and management of the conditions. A comfortable, safe, and conducive environment is a significant aid in promoting wellness and healing.
Dual diagnosis Miramar Recovery Substance Abuse and Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center is located at Laguna Beach. It is a facility that provides rehabilitation programs for clients suffering from drug abuse and alcoholism. We are fully licensed by the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs of the State of California to provide chemical dependency rehabilitation and detoxification for our patients. To ensure that our clients are getting the best quality of treatment from medical professionals, our staff members are all certified, licensed, and accredited. Our medical expertise allows us to treat co-occurring issues that have been caused by drug or alcohol addiction.
For more information on Dual Diagnosis Rehab Center visit Alcohol Rehab Center
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Dr. Akikur Mohammad, Founder of Malibu Horizon, recognized by many as one of the top inpatient rehab centers in California, and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California, announced …
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Senator Ted Lieu Calls for Audit of Rehab Programs in California
San Francisco, CA — (SBWIRE) — 08/15/2013 — In the wake of an apparent widespread fraud program happening around California state's drug rehab centers, Sen. Ted W. Lieu has called on the Legislature's Joint Legislative Audit Committee to audit the …
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California Lawmakers Order Audit of Taxpayer-Funded Drug Rehab Program
Karen Johnson, chief deputy director of the California Department of Health Care Services, speaks before the Legislature's Joint Legislative Audit Committee. She said authorities welcome a state audit of the Drug Medi-Cal drug rehab program for the poor.
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Inside an outpatient rehab clinic, allegations of kickbacks and shoddy care
The money pays for an estimated 1.5 million admissions a year, nearly three-fourths of them to outpatient programs like NYSN's, according to a study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. As Medicaid coverage …
Read more on Salon
Best answer:
Answer by raysny
The most recent I could find for the US has the figures for 1997:
“A study shows that the U.S. spent a combined $ 11.9 billion on alcohol and drug abuse treatment, while the total social costs were more than $ 294 billion. The results were part of the National Estimates of Expenditures for Substance Abuse Treatment, 1997, which was released at the end of April by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.
The report, prepared by the MEDSTAT Group for SAMHSA, examines how much is spent in the U.S. to treat alcohol and drug abuse, how that spending has changed between 1987 and 1997, how much of the spending is done by the private and public sectors, and how substance abuse expenditures compare to spending for mental health and other health conditions in the U.S.”
In NY:
“States report spending $ 2.5 billion a year on treatment. States did not distinguish whether the treatment was for alcohol, illicit drug abuse or nicotine addiction. Of the $ 2.5 billion total, $ 695 million is spent through the departments of health and $ 633 million through the state substance abuse agencies. We believe that virtually all of these funds are spent on alcohol and illegal drug treatment.”
Source: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, Shoveling Up: The Impact of Substance Abuse on State Budgets (New York, NY: CASA, Jan. 2001), p. 24.
States Waste Billions Dealing with Consequences of Addiction, CASA Study Says
May 28, 2009
The vast majority of the estimated $ 467.7 billion in substance-abuse related spending by governments on substance-abuse problems went to deal with the consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, not treatment and prevention, according to a new report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University.
The report, titled, “Shoveling Up II: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal, State and Local Budgets,” found that 95 percent of the $ 373.9 billion spent by the federal government and states went to paying for the societal and personal damage caused by alcohol and other drug use; the calculation included crime, health care costs, child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness and other consequences of tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction.
Just 1.9 percent went to treatment and prevention, while 0.4 percent was spent on research, 1.4 percent went towards taxation and regulation, and 0.7 percent went to interdiction.
“Such upside-down-cake public policy is unconscionable,” said Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA’s founder and chairman. “It’s past time for this fiscal and human waste to end.”
CASA estimated that the federal government spent $ 238.2 billion on substance-abuse related issues in 2005, while states spent $ 135.8 billion and local governments spent $ 93.8 billion. The report said that 58 percent of spending was for health care and 13.1 percent on justice systems.
Researchers estimated that 11.2 percent of all federal and state government spending went towards alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse and addictions and its consequences. The report said that Connecticut spent the most proportionately on prevention, treatment and research — $ 10.39 of every $ 100 spent on addiction issues — while New Hampshire spent the least — 22 cents.
Key Findings
Of the $ 3.3 trillion total federal and state government spending, $ 373.9 billion –11.2 percent, more than one of every ten dollars– was spent on tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction and its consequences.
The federal government spent $ 238.2 billion (9.6 percent of its budget) on substance abuse and addiction. If substance abuse and addiction were its own budget category at the federal level, it would rank sixth, behind social security, national defense, income security, Medicare and other health programs including the federal share of Medicaid.
State governments spent $ 135.8 billion (15.7 percent of their budgets) to deal with substance abuse and addiction, up from 13.3 percent in 1998. If substance abuse and addiction were its own state budget category, it would rank second behind spending on elementary and secondary education.
Local governments spent $ 93.8 billion on substance abuse and addiction (9 percent of their budgets), outstripping local spending for transportation and public welfare.¹
For every $ 100 spent by state governments on substance abuse and addiction, the average spent on prevention, treatment and research was $ 2.38; Connecticut spent the most, $ 10.39; New Hampshire spent the least, $ 0.22.
For every dollar the federal and state governments spent on prevention and treatment, they spent $ 59.83 shoveling up the consequences, despite a growing
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We'll need to invest preemptively in wellness education from preschool through secondary, specifically as it relates to addictions, sexuality, nutrition and personal safety. We will need foresight to understand and address the interplay among our legal …