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Posts Tagged ‘dependent on’

Alcohol detox gets rid of the alcohol in the body as well as the physical effects of alcoholism. This is the first step in curing someone who is dependent on alcohol. Alcohol rehabilitation centres concentrate on both the emotional component when it comes to an alcohol addiction as well as the physical component that is involved. As alcohol is one addiction in which there is not only a psychological factor but also a physical addiction to the drug, it is necessary to seek out alcohol rehab to first rid the body of the physical dependency on alcohol.

Many people do not realize how significant a role the physical dependency of alcohol plays on a person who is addicted. There is a discomfort when withdrawing from alcohol just as is the case with certain types of drugs that also have withdrawal side effects that are physical. Alcohol rehabilitation centres can help someone get rid of the physical craving for alcohol and render them sober as well as clean. This is the first big step towards curing someone who is alcohol dependent.

Another factor that is addressed in alcohol rehabilitation centres in addition to alcohol detox is the psychological component that usually goes along with the decision to drink. Because alcohol induces a state of numbness, many people drink because they feel as though they can overcome their problems or at least not face them directly when they have a few drinks. The problem is that the problems are still there when the person sobers up and are often made worse by drinking. The person then may embark on a cycle of drinking to erase the problems that they are encountering. This often leads to both a physical as well as emotional dependency on alcohol.

Addressing the reason for drinking is important just as is alcohol detox. There are tools that can be used at alcohol rehabilitation centres to help someone recognize why they drink and reconcile with their reasoning. A person has to see that drinking is not the solution to any of their problems, in fact it will usually make everything worse. Excessive drinking will lead to interference with personal relationships as well as work. Those who recognize that they need help are the most likely to be helped when it comes to alcohol rehabilitation centres. They can go in for alcohol detox and also use the tools that they are given to confront their problems head on and eliminate the need to mask them with alcohol.

Alcohol is merely a mask that usually covers up problems that may or may not be surmountable. Many of them stem from childhood, although some people will start drinking excessively as adults. Alcohol rehabilitation centres can help those who are dependent on alcohol go through alcohol detox and rid their body of the physical dependency on alcohol but what is more, they can also help someone address the problems that lead to drinking in the first place. Those who want to get help for their problems with alcohol can get alcohol detox as well as learn from the tips given at alcohol rehabilitation centres and start on their way towards recovery to beating their alcohol addiction.

Alcohol Detox can help rid the body of the toxins that are related to excessive alcohol use and the physical dependency on alcohol. To find out more about Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres , go to Recovery Now TV.

Emotional eating is not always “just” emotional eating. Sometimes, it is a full-fledged addiction with obvious-and very serious-consequences. Acknowledging this addiction is the first step. Just ask yourself how many people you know who have endangered their health through eating! The fact is, once food is “installed” in an individual’s mental computer as a way to deal with problems or stress, it can become so deeply embedded in his or her mind and so important that he or she would literally die to keep it.

It is hard to describe the intensity of this addiction because it is so commonplace and so easily disguised and blended into “just” eating. As one of my patients said so clearly, “Nothing is going to get between me and my eating. I am always ravenously hungry, and when the burrito stand is in view, I must eat.”

No one can stop me.

I don’t want to stop.

I can’t stop.

I won’t let anybody try to trick me into wanting to stop.

Stay away! This is sacred territory that I will defend with all of my strength.

These are the sorts of messages you receive when you just ask a person to consider their emotional eating patterns. This is what happens when you just suggest that maybe you are confusing emotional hunger with biological hunger. The resistance to dealing with this addiction at all is the strongest indicator of how much the addicted person is motivated to stay addicted. Yes, once you are addicted, you are also motivated to stay that way.

How Does One Become Addicted to Food?

The beginning of food addiction is a bit different for everyone because it can start at different ages. However, there is one universal theme. Somewhere along the lines you learned that eating can soothe the ordinary hurts in life. We all learn that, because it is true, has always been true an always will be true.

All addiction follows the same basic pattern. You are in a distressed state of mind, and the substance-whether it be alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, or a cupcake-offers you almost instant, albeit temporary, relief from your distress. If it works the first time, you do it again and again. When it becomes the mechanism of choice, that’s when you become addicted. It is the short route to the resolution of personal unhappiness. But if you are addicted now, it means you became too dependent on this mechanism and you created a short circuit to feeling good that now works against you.

Food addiction is a short circuit in many ways. Literally, it is the fastest route to feeling better. But it is also a short circuit in another sense, the more you use this mechanism, the more you bypass some essential work of life and short circuit the new learning and new ways of managing your feelings that can make life more fulfilling and a lot easier. You are trading the short-term gain for a real long-term loss.

The more you use it as a short circuit, the more you avoid doing what is necessary to resolve the unhappiness in real life, in real time. The more you avoid, the less you learn about how to manage your mind and your life, or at least those critical parts of you that have not fully matured and have been brought under rational control. It’s a vicious cycle. The more you avoid learning, the more you need the cure, which makes you avoid learning all the more, which…makes you eat!

Why Can’t I Just Stop?

It is our contention that since this addiction is a learned pattern, you can unlearn it! It is not mysterious, even though it seems so because it is so powerful and so embedded in ordinary thinking patterns. That’s the good news.

While it is a learned behavior, we are not suggesting that the unlearning process is just a matter of education. No, once food has become installed as a primary way to regulate moods and emotions, it almost becomes an essential part of the person’s mind. That’s the bad news.

In cases where emotional eating has become food addiction, food is no longer food. The taste is largely irrelevant.  It’s the mental effect that is being looked for in the meal, not the calories or the flavor. Some have described their relationship between themselves and food as that of jealous lovers who want to possess, horde, hide and clandestinely have one another for their own.

There is a great deal of truth in that description, but it doesn’t quite get to the quality I hear in my patients. What I hear sounds more like the eating pattern has become a part of their mental selves the same way an arm is part of their bodily selves, and is defended similarly. You wouldn’t let anybody convince you to cut off your arm. In the same way, the person addicted to food won’t let anybody convince them to give up this mechanism of internal control.

The bottom line is that food addiction has the same imperative quality as addiction has in the heroin addict who has to have his “fix,” or the smoker who must have one more drag, or the alcoholic who must have one more drink. Food addicts can’t bear the thought of refusing themselves satisfaction through food.

Florence Williams, a mother, describes the incredible experience between mother and child during nursing, and reveals the primordial power of food addiction in this quote from a New York Times Magazine article on Sunday, January 9, 2005:

“…every time we nurse our babies, the love hormone oxytocin courses out of our pituitaries like a warm bath. Human milk is like ice cream, Valium and Ecstasy all wrapped up in two pretty packages. For a mother and child, nursing is perhaps the most intimate of acts. Evolutionary biologists call it matrotrophy; eating one’s mother. My daughter is not only physically attached to me; she is taking from me all that I can give her. Each time I lift my shirt, she pants and flaps her arms and legs as if it were Christmas. Then she settles in, both of us wholly reassured that this is the best, safest and most satisfying food she could eat.”

Although not all mothers nurse, this is still the prototypic experience of the kind of bliss that we seek to recreate, in one way or another, the rest of our lives-especially when turning to food for comfort. We seek the temporary pleasure and relief, the sense that for now at least everything seems all right, when moments before it seemed as if everything was all wrong. And when this natural desire becomes addiction, most people refuse to believe that they can continue to function if they give it up.

Roger Gould, M.D.
Psychiatrist & Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA
One of the world’s leading authorities on emotional eating and adult development
Author & Creator of Shrink Yourself
Shrink Yourself is the Proven Online Program Designed to End Emotional Eating

Question by Michael Brian: What addictions does the APA recognize as actual addiction disorders?
I know technically anything can be an “addiction” but I’m trying to find a list that the APA has put out that lists the actual addictions someone can be diagnosed with.

Best answer:

Answer by Peachy Perfect
Depends on what you count as an addiction. The DSM-IV (current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) doesn’t have a definition for the word “addiction” and doesn’t use it.

As far as what *you* might classify as an “addiction”, you can be diagnosed with either Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence, depending on the severity of the addiction. This involves either the dependence on or abuse of substances, like alcohol, heroin, caffeine –yes, I said caffeine–, cocaine, nicotine, etc.

As far as other “addictions” to non-substances go, the ones found under the “Impulse Control Disorders” category include:
– Pathological Gambling (people addicted to gambling)
– Kleptomania (people addicted to stealing)
– Pyromania (people addicted to setting fires)
– Trichotillomania (people addicted to pulling their hair out — yes, I’m serious)

There are lots of other disorders, including but definitely not limited to pedophilia and hypochondriasis, which you might consider addictions (pedophilia being when you are “addicted” to sexual endeavors with children, hypochondriasis being when you are “addicted” to being sick), but I don’t really count those under the “addictions” category, personally.

However, in the DSM-5, which is set to come out in May 2013, they are going to add a ton more disorders involving addictions under the category “Substance Use and Addictive Disorders”. But mostly the only change that will be made is specifying the type of substance that one is abusing, dependent on, and/or suffering withdrawals from. For example, instead of being diagnosed with plain “Substance Abuse” with alcohol listed as a side note, an alcoholic would be diagnosed with “Alcohol Use Disorder”, “Alcohol Intoxication”, and/or “Alcohol Withdrawal”.

Give your answer to this question below!

Alcohol detox centres provide a safe and structured environment in which to under treatment for alcohol related issues.

As society and pressures in daily lifestyles change for an ever growing population, more and more people are turning to alcohol in a bid to relax and take their minds off their problems. For many people, what starts off as a harmless drink or two in the evening can progress into a drink problem.

For some people, they suddenly find that they are unable to stop drinking on their own and so turn to the help of an alcohol detox centres. These centres are able to offer all the help and support needed for anyone wishing to stop drinking but unable to do so without the medical and emotional support of alcohol detox centres.

There are a number of alcohol detox centres spread up and down the country and all offer various degrees of accommodation, facilities, length of time for a treatment programme but fundamentally, they all offer the chance to help you stop drinking once and for all.

Most alcohol detox centres offer a detox programme which usually lasts between 7 to 14 days depending on the severity of the alcohol related issue. The alcohol detox centres tend of have staff on hand 24/7 during a detox programme as withdrawing from alcohol can have risks and medical supervision is highly recommended.

Alcohol detox centres offer medication to the client so that they can withdraw from alcohol in a comfortable and safe environment. For some people with a drink problem, it can be dangerous to try and stop drinking without any medical support or supervision. Some of the risks involved are fits, shakes, vomiting etc.

Some alcohol detox centres focus purely on a short-term stay based on the client purely undergoing a detox from alcohol. Others offer a detox programme followed by the option of undergoing a treatment programme over the course of 28 days and up to 3 months. These programmes are designed to help you withdraw from alcohol initially and then undergo treatment with highly qualified counsellors and therapists to help you stay off alcohol for good.

Of course, its all dependent on what is the right treatment for you but whether you decide to stay on to do a treatment programme, a detox programme initially at alcohol detox centres is the first step to helping you with any alcohol related issues.

Christopher Knight
Alcohol Detox Centres

There are many great Florida drug rehabs that provide effect treatments and therapies for addicts. Through treatment that is tailored to individual needs, patients can learn to control their condition and live normal, productive lives. Like people with diabetes or heart disease, people in treatment for drug addiction learn behavioral changes and often take medications as part of their treatment regimen.

Apart from drug detox Florida, there are behavioral therapies that include counseling, psychotherapy, support groups, family therapy, etc. Treatment medications offer help in suppressing the withdrawal symptoms and drug craving. They also help in blocking the effects of drugs. Generally, the more treatment is given, the better the results are. Many patients require other services as well, such as medical and mental health services and HIV prevention services. Over the last 25 years, studies have shown that treatment works to reduce drug intake and crimes committed by drug-dependent people. Researchers also have found that drug abusers who have been through treatment are more likely to have jobs.

The ultimate goal of drug abuse treatments is to enable the patient to achieve lasting abstinence. The immediate goals are to reduce drug use, improve the patient’s ability to function and lessen the medical and social complications of drug abuse. There are several types of treatment programs for drug abuse. Short-term methods last less than 6 months and include residential therapy, medication therapy, and drug-free outpatient therapy. Longer term treatment may include, for example, methadone maintenance outpatient treatment for opiate addicts and residential therapeutic community treatment.

Florida drug rehab offer treatment programs and counseling to fit the needs of the patients. Group therapy and one-on-one counseling sessions are crucial in paving the way to recovery. Therapists and counselors get to the root of the problem and help patients learn to let go of the issues that they have that make them dependent on drugs and other substances. Family therapy is also considered helpful when it comes to drug rehabilitation. Not only does it make the patient’s relatives understand the problem, but also provides them information on how to support the patient once they are out of the rehab center.

One of the most important parts of treatment is the aftercare. Once patients leave the center, they need a lot of support and care. Apart from this, supervision also needs to be given as there will many ways for them to get back into the habit. Aftercare programs are there to help and support them.

For more information on drug detox Florida and Florida drug rehab, please visit our website.

Emotional eating is not always “just” emotional eating. Sometimes, it is a full-fledged addiction with obvious-and very serious-consequences. Acknowledging this addiction is the first step. Just ask yourself how many people you know who have endangered their health through eating! The fact is, once food is “installed” in an individual’s mental computer as a way to deal with problems or stress, it can become so deeply embedded in his or her mind and so important that he or she would literally die to keep it.

It is hard to describe the intensity of this addiction because it is so commonplace and so easily disguised and blended into “just” eating. As one of my patients said so clearly, “Nothing is going to get between me and my eating. I am always ravenously hungry, and when the burrito stand is in view, I must eat.”

No one can stop me.

I don’t want to stop.

I can’t stop.

I won’t let anybody try to trick me into wanting to stop.

Stay away! This is sacred territory that I will defend with all of my strength.

These are the sorts of messages you receive when you just ask a person to consider their emotional eating patterns. This is what happens when you just suggest that maybe you are confusing emotional hunger with biological hunger. The resistance to dealing with this addiction at all is the strongest indicator of how much the addicted person is motivated to stay addicted. Yes, once you are addicted, you are also motivated to stay that way.

How Does One Become Addicted to Food?

The beginning of food addiction is a bit different for everyone because it can start at different ages. However, there is one universal theme. Somewhere along the lines you learned that eating can soothe the ordinary hurts in life. We all learn that, because it is true, has always been true an always will be true.

All addiction follows the same basic pattern. You are in a distressed state of mind, and the substance-whether it be alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, or a cupcake-offers you almost instant, albeit temporary, relief from your distress. If it works the first time, you do it again and again. When it becomes the mechanism of choice, that’s when you become addicted. It is the short route to the resolution of personal unhappiness. But if you are addicted now, it means you became too dependent on this mechanism and you created a short circuit to feeling good that now works against you.

Food addiction is a short circuit in many ways. Literally, it is the fastest route to feeling better. But it is also a short circuit in another sense, the more you use this mechanism, the more you bypass some essential work of life and short circuit the new learning and new ways of managing your feelings that can make life more fulfilling and a lot easier. You are trading the short-term gain for a real long-term loss.

The more you use it as a short circuit, the more you avoid doing what is necessary to resolve the unhappiness in real life, in real time. The more you avoid, the less you learn about how to manage your mind and your life, or at least those critical parts of you that have not fully matured and have been brought under rational control. It’s a vicious cycle. The more you avoid learning, the more you need the cure, which makes you avoid learning all the more, which…makes you eat!

Why Can’t I Just Stop?

It is our contention that since this addiction is a learned pattern, you can unlearn it! It is not mysterious, even though it seems so because it is so powerful and so embedded in ordinary thinking patterns. That’s the good news.

While it is a learned behavior, we are not suggesting that the unlearning process is just a matter of education. No, once food has become installed as a primary way to regulate moods and emotions, it almost becomes an essential part of the person’s mind. That’s the bad news.

In cases where emotional eating has become food addiction, food is no longer food. The taste is largely irrelevant.  It’s the mental effect that is being looked for in the meal, not the calories or the flavor. Some have described their relationship between themselves and food as that of jealous lovers who want to possess, horde, hide and clandestinely have one another for their own.

There is a great deal of truth in that description, but it doesn’t quite get to the quality I hear in my patients. What I hear sounds more like the eating pattern has become a part of their mental selves the same way an arm is part of their bodily selves, and is defended similarly. You wouldn’t let anybody convince you to cut off your arm. In the same way, the person addicted to food won’t let anybody convince them to give up this mechanism of internal control.

The bottom line is that food addiction has the same imperative quality as addiction has in the heroin addict who has to have his “fix,” or the smoker who must have one more drag, or the alcoholic who must have one more drink. Food addicts can’t bear the thought of refusing themselves satisfaction through food.

Florence Williams, a mother, describes the incredible experience between mother and child during nursing, and reveals the primordial power of food addiction in this quote from a New York Times Magazine article on Sunday, January 9, 2005:

“…every time we nurse our babies, the love hormone oxytocin courses out of our pituitaries like a warm bath. Human milk is like ice cream, Valium and Ecstasy all wrapped up in two pretty packages. For a mother and child, nursing is perhaps the most intimate of acts. Evolutionary biologists call it matrotrophy; eating one’s mother. My daughter is not only physically attached to me; she is taking from me all that I can give her. Each time I lift my shirt, she pants and flaps her arms and legs as if it were Christmas. Then she settles in, both of us wholly reassured that this is the best, safest and most satisfying food she could eat.”

Although not all mothers nurse, this is still the prototypic experience of the kind of bliss that we seek to recreate, in one way or another, the rest of our lives-especially when turning to food for comfort. We seek the temporary pleasure and relief, the sense that for now at least everything seems all right, when moments before it seemed as if everything was all wrong. And when this natural desire becomes addiction, most people refuse to believe that they can continue to function if they give it up.

Roger Gould, M.D.
Psychiatrist & Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA
One of the world’s leading authorities on emotional eating and adult development
Author & Creator of Shrink Yourself
Shrink Yourself is the Proven Online Program Designed to End Emotional Eating

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