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Posts Tagged ‘alcoholics anonymous’

Give Alcoholics Beer to Clean Up City Parks?
The program isn't about changing people's attitudes towards alcohol and its effect on their health and lives; it is not geared towards getting participants to stop drinking but rather takes a pragmatic approach that is typically Dutch, albeit “shocking …

Women Cited for DUIs on the Rise
The Traffic Injury Research Foundation reported women are happier in female-only programs including Alcoholics Anonymous, and the women in those groups were more likely to predict lasting outcomes. "Be around people with the same problem. For me …
Read more on WKEF ABC 22

Question by almintaka: How well do alcohol recovery programs actually work?
Hi Everyone,
Alcoholics Anonymous (“AA”, spiritual), Rational Recovery (“RR”, cognitive), SMART (cognitive), Save Ourselves (“SOS”, cognitive) and other alcohol recovery programs all claim varying levels of success in helping alcoholics on the road to recovery. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding their claims, as even a quick search on the internet will reveal. Viewing this chaos of opinions from “outside the box”, it certainly seems as though they’re all blowing smoke. Anecdotal arguments are used, tabloid-style quotations are touted as being authentic, and “my way or the highway” rationalizing is often used. One thing they all have in common is that apparently none of them has a handle on real statistics (though I could be wrong here; I just haven’t found any). In addition, independent studies (NIAA, Dawson) have shown that these programs are no more successful than no program at all. What’s your opion? Do one or more of these programs work better than nothing?

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel
I think any recovery program works only as well as the time & persistance the addict puts into staying clean.

Add your own answer in the comments!

A lot of people have questions about programs at alcoholism and addiction treatment centers. Florida has facilities that can answer these questions.

The majority of these programs are based upon the fundamentals of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

These fundamentals–the 12 Steps of AA–provide a firm foundation for recovery.

Behind the 12 Steps of AA are their principles:








8.Brotherly Love



11.Spiritual Awareness


Honesty may be the first virtue to vanish in alcoholism. In being honest, by fully and truly accepting their alcoholism, the alcoholic begins the journey on the road to recovery.

To have hope can be difficult. However, completing Step Two delivers sometimes immediate relief.

The application of hope is faith; a willingness to believe in a power with the strength to lift the heavy physical, mental, and spiritual burdens of alcoholism.

Courage can be exhibited in seeking and accepting care at an addiction treatment center. Florida drug rehab centers try to get alcoholic clients to use this already present courage in addressing the havoc they’ve created.

To deal with the many problems of the alcoholic entering recovery, personal integrity is required. Some integrity becomes present when the effects of alcohol dissipate. That is, when the drunk starts to dry out, a bit of integrity becomes apparent.

When the alcoholics accept their past transgressions and express a desire to have their character flaws to be removed, they achieve willingness.

Humility is the alcoholic becoming aware that they are NOT the center of the universe, that their predicament is largely one of their own making.

In being disciplined, the alcoholic begins to make amends–unless doing would cause harm to another. Alcoholics learn to avoid situations where future amends might become necessary.

Perseverance is the continued efforts of the alcoholic to be aware of their actions–as well as the thoughts behind them–and how they will affect those around them.

Becoming spiritually aware is normally an experience rather than an event. This experience is hastened through prayer and meditation and is an attempt to obtain guidance in doing the next right thing.

Service is helping those in need. This is a theme at addiction treatment centers. Florida drug rehab centers are generally no exception. Clients are often required to help with community chores and asked to assist others in their rehabilitation milieu.

To further simplify an already simple program, members of AA provide instructions as to how to live the AA program.


Alcoholics in search of complete recovery are told to be Honest, Open-minded, and Willing.

Honest in all that they do; Open-minded to the promises of sobriety; and Willing to do whatever is necessary to earn, keep, and share the gift of sobriety.

Alcoholics Anonymous has a proven track record both in and out of addiction treatment centers. Florida drug rehab centers strive for similar successes.

For more information on AA or where to get help please contact Fl alcohol rehab or Drug rehab florida or call (877) 772-5505.

About the Author:

This article is written by Peter Rhett .

Drug and alcohol rehab and detox facilities in Florida provide acute physical, mental, and spiritual crisis stabilization.

An experienced addiction clinician puts it thusly, “If it’s not choking you, it can wait.” That is, treatment at this point is centered on the laying of groundwork for a lifetime in recovery rather than attempting to fix everything that contributed to, and was caused by, chemical dependency.

Those seeking assistance at Alcohol rehab florida are indeed choking. And in the throes of a life-threatening crisis — physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Detoxification is often necessary to ensure a client’s safe withdrawal from drug and/or alcohol.

“Of course an alcoholic ought to be freed from his physical craving
for liquor, and this often requires a definite hospital procedure, before psychological measures can be of maximum benefit.” (1)

Prescription medications are available to ease the cravings and physical pain of withdrawal. The entire process should be supervised by a physician.

Once detoxification has been completed, the treatment program can begin. But the physical process of recovery doesn’t end with the completion of detox. Clients in treatment are taught, occasionally with some difficulty, the value of being in good physical shape.

The behaviors of active alcoholics and addicts make identifying and treating mental illnesses difficult. However in the absence of alcohol or other drug of choice, a proper diagnosis can be obtained and appropriate treatment initiated.

An addict also has to become aware of a number of other possible symptoms of their diseases — symptoms that may occur even long after their use of drugs or alcohol has stopped:

“The disease of addiction can manifest itself in a variety of mental
obsessions and compulsive actions that have nothing to do with drugs. We sometimes find ourselves obsessed and behaving compulsively over things
we may never have had problems with until we stopped using drugs. We
may once again try to fill the awful emptiness we sometimes feel with
something outside ourselves.” (2)

Both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous consider themselves to be “spiritual” rather than “religious” programs of recovery. No belief in any religion is required whatsoever, although firm religious conviction of any sort will certainly not prove to be an impediment to recovery.

It’s not about God; it’s about a Higher Power:

“We had to find a power by which we could live, and it had to be a
Power greater than ourselves. Obviously. But where and how were
we to find this Power [?]… (1)

Alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases of the body, mind, and spirit. Drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Florida can help.

1.Alcoholics Anonymous: the Story of How Many Thousands of Men and
Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism. New York City: Alcoholics Anonymous
World Services, 2001.

2.It Works How and Why: the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions of
Narcotics Anonymous. Van Nuys, CA: World Service Office, 1993.

If you or someone you love is seeking Florida Treatment Programs or Drug rehab in fl please visit our website

About the Author:

This article is written by Peter Rhett .

Question by msbrook3: Why is it called alcoholics anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say “Hi my name is Bob & I’m
an alcoholic”?

Best answer:

Answer by Jo
now thats a good question!!!

Add your own answer in the comments!

Hooked on Heroin: Beating addiction
Besides drug tests and treatment, defendants join self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. The court provides help finding work and educational opportunities for qualified candidates. Addicts must regularly come to court for a …
Read more on WBNG-TV

Support groups in the area are ready to help in many ways
Posted: Monday, October 28, 2013 1:07 pm | Updated: 1:12 pm, Mon Oct 28, 2013. Support groups in the area are ready to help in many ways. ABUSE ALTERNATIVES: Bristol area support group for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

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