The Surprising Failures of 12 Steps
But it is the sixth step in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous—the prototype of 12-step facilitation (TSF), the almost universally accepted standard for addiction-recovery in America today. From its … In his new book, released today, The Sober …
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12–Step Programs Lose Validity, Chapters Capistrano Offers Addiction Recovery …
In the alcoholism and drug addiction circles, recovery has often hinged on the infamous 12-step program; a systematic structure that has become popular among sobriety support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. However, Chapters Capistrano and …
Question by Jamie J: Do you know how to spot an argument or theoretical position which ignores the principle of falsifyability?
Can you give me an example of a statment that ignores this principle?
My peer recently asserted that alcoholics anonymous “is the best treatment for alcohol abuse”.
I feel that the flipant statement is invalid as a fact because a) it is an opinionated statement sans any supportive evidence, and b) due to the nature of the statement, it is not falsifiable lest we establish a shared understanding of what the “best” is supposed to be (i,e. highest success rate, most used, most sought, etc.) inorder to be proven or refuted.
Is any argument that lacks a set of general truths to be considered in violation of the principle of falsifiability?
Best answer:
Answer by ??†?? ?F ??????
no, not quite there yet hon.
a non falsifiable argument would be somethinh we cant prove false.
we can prove this false.
we can merly look at all of the people wh attended different
alcaholic treatments and see what percentage of people slid back into alchahol.
if it turns out that %10 fall back with aa
%30 with other treatments
then it means that it is the best available
if the numbers are oppiste then the statment is false.
you are mixing up general truths and propper definitions
now in this case one can only assume that this person means
that it is of a success rate
because of the very goal of AA.
to get people off drinking.
thus the best treatment is the one who most likely will succeed
and to guess at this we can and must look at success rates.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12-Step Fellowship: A Modern Miracle (Op-Ed)
He has authored more than 300 professional articles on addiction and written numerous books on the subject, including "Getting Tough on Gateway Drugs: A Guide for the Family," "A Bridge to Recovery: An Introduction to Twelve-Step Programs" and "The …
Addiction task force member Steven Bradley applauds Gov. Patrick's action on …
“Taking concrete steps to prevent prescriptions drug addiction will significantly reduce the risk of heroin addiction and the human misery and death it brings,” Sullivan said. “I look forward to working with the Patrick administration and community to …
Alcohol treatment centers are organized in every city in the world in a desperate attempt to help reduce the plague of alcoholism. A recognition of the problem and the effort to seek help is the first positive step towards recovery. It is often seen as a real step in the right direction for an alcoholic to get help online, instead of approaching a public rehabilitation. The advent of the Internet has made information on the treatment of alcoholism readily available. The World Wide Web is growing every hour, and hosts a large number of alcohol treatments and rehabilitation plans readily available online.
How to find alcoholic treatment support or centers online – Just do a Google search for “stop drinking alcohol”, and a whole range of web sites and pages will be revealed. These sites offer facts about alcoholism, based on professional expertise. The addict does not have to pay for treatment received. These sites suggest alcoholics take onboard certain essential information, that will put them in the right frame of mind to take the decision of quitting alcohol for good, and begin the journey towards a new beginning without their life being held to ransom by alcohol.
It helps to subscribe to an online newsletter or magazine. The person can get professional advice and alcohol treatment plans. Most of these subscriptions are free, but some sites may ask for a small donation. Paying for alcohol treatment though may be a better option for some people who don’t like to just throw their money away, and need to feel that they make the effort to achieve their main goal of giving up alcohol.
There are many online sites that provide alcoholism support information and alcohol treatment plans. Even though this support is part of the final success, an alcoholic will also need the support of their loved ones, and should not try and give up on the sly. Being open with those that alcohol distances you from is a way of gaining their confidence once again in you, so building bridges is also a critical step in quitting alcohol for good.
Get Tried and Tested Alcoholics Anonymous Online Alcoholic Treatment Centers support and learn how to Stop Drinking Alcohol in under 21 days….
Yoga for Addiction and Alcoholism Recovery Offered at World Renowned …
Combines Ayurveda and Yoga with traditional recovery tools to offer a more holistic approach to addiction and self-destructive behaviors. For those in counseling roles, the course offers additional tools and a comprehensive approach to wellness …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
With Sobering Science, Doctor Debunks 12-Step Recovery
Since its founding in the 1930s, Alcoholics Anonymous has become part of the fabric of American society. AA and the many 12-step groups it inspired have become the country's go-to solution for addiction in all of its forms. These recovery programs are …
Read more on Interlochen
With Sobering Science, Doctor Debunks 12-Step Recovery
Since its founding in the 1930s, Alcoholics Anonymous has become part of the fabric of American society. AA and the many 12-step groups it inspired have become the country's go-to solution for addiction in all of its forms. These recovery programs are …
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Magistrates give recovering alcoholic back her driving licence six months early
Speaking on oath, she said that she had now been appointed secretary of the Chard and Crewkerne branches of Alcoholics Anonymous after finding the support from the groups crucial to her own recovery. “I also help to run the AA helpline for Somerset and …
Read more on Western Gazette
25 Years After Spill, Alaska Town Struggles Back From 'Dead Zone'
Drug and alcohol abuse went up, along with reports of domestic violence and depression. The mayor committed suicide. Those paid by Exxon to work the cleanup were jealously labeled "spillionaires." This once close-knit community changed, says Patience …
Read more on NPR