Question by msbrook3: Why is it called alcoholics anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say “Hi my name is Bob & I’m
an alcoholic”?
Best answer:
Answer by Jo
now thats a good question!!!
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Question by Hello There: Is the recovery from bulimia in a 12 step program drastically different than Alcoholics Anonymous?
I had a friend tell me that in ABA for example- you don’t start counting days again if you purge again, and that the road to recovery isn’t complete abstinence from binging and purging, but reaching a level of manageability in which you ‘get back on the horse’ when you purge after a period of refraining. I was alarmed, but intrigued by her statements and wanted to find out if this was the case- since I’m so AA biased.
Best answer:
Answer by thebigz
there is over eaters antonymous in a 12 step program but as far as i know there is no program for bulimia you can make your program around the two where you are now and the oa program and see if that works if you like the 12 step program
Good Luck
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Question by msbrook3: Why is it called alcoholics anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say “Hi my name is Bob & I’m
an alcoholic”?
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Answer by Jo
now thats a good question!!!
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If you are suffering from an alcohol addiction, you are not alone. Alcoholism is a word that sometimes has negative social connotations, and just because a person drinks alcohol does not mean that they are an alcoholic. The amount of alcohol consumed varies greatly from person to person that develops alcoholism, and is also affected by genetic predisposition, and social and emotional health. Alcohol by definition is a disease that results from a persistent use of alcohol despite negative personal, emotional, financial, and professional consequences. Heavy alcohol use accompanied by dependence and symptoms of withdrawal, and the inability to recognize that every bad thing has been related to an alcohol addiction. The sometimes uncontrollable urge to drink leads to constant preoccupation with the drug. Also leads to arrests for drunk driving and extra expenses for a good dui lawyer
According to numerous online sources, the most common substance of abuse resulting in dependence in patients presenting for treatment is alcohol. Overcoming an addiction to anything can be difficult, but there is help and hope available to people who want to stop drinking and get their lives back on track. The mind is more powerful than any drug, and to discover this is to truly be on the road to recovery. Addicts have to make a conscious choice to get and stay sober, one day at a time, and learn how to control the cravings. It’s not something that can be done alone, which is why there are treatment facilities all over the country, most of which are privately owned substance abuse recovery centers. The philosophy of AA or Alcoholics Anonymous has proven to be helpful to many alcoholics in their fight against alcohol addiction, and the program is often used as an adjunct treatment with other therapies, such as in an inpatient setting. AA also encourages communication with a sponsor to help guide the addict through the recovery process, and provide support while working through the program.
Learn more about effects of alcohol as well as alcohol facts and the truth about alcohol addiction and drunk driving. Some online literature discusses at length what drives alcohol addiction, detailing the effects of alcohol and describes some of the research being done to correct drinking problems. Alcohol continues to be the most greatly abused substance despite the wide-spread negative consequences. Even after public outbursts, divorce, loss of employment, revocation of driving privileges, and loss of life and limb, alcoholics continue to drink because it is so highly addicted in people who are predisposed to this disease. If you or someone you know is giving part of their life to alcohol, encourage them to get help. It may take a series of bad events to get the point across, and for many alcoholics, this is what it takes to see their illness in a different light.
Facts about Alcohol Adiction and Drunk Driving
Support groups aid alcoholics' relatives
I'm married to an alcoholic, and it makes me so sad that people think a lot of alcohol is “fun.” It's a tragedy for our family to see a great husband, father and grandfather slip into a stupor each day. It wasn't always this way. Sadly, he has changed …
Read more on Chicago Sun-Times
Support Groups
LEARN TO COPE: LTC is a peer-led support group for parents/caregivers struggling with a member of the family who is addicted to opiates/alcohol and other drugs. Meets each Wed., 7-9 p.m. at Lowell General Hospital Saints Campus, 1 Hospital Drive, …
Read more on The Sun
Reformed Morpeth alcoholic launches his own charity to help others
He said: “The plan is that Drout will offer one-to-one counselling, therapies, group work, smart recovery sessions and arts and crafts activities to help alcoholics turn their lives around. A lot of it is stuff I learned at Escape, and I know I can …
Read more on The Journal
Know the signs of alcoholism and what to do to help
There are counseling and rehabilitation facilities, as well as support groups open for anyone who would like to attend. Those groups include Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon Family Groups. At these meetings, attendants are there to listen and give advice.
Read more on Aiken Standard
Recovering addicts stand behind Walsh
For Walsh, however, keeping track of recovered addicts and their family members poses a dilemma. For starters, anonymity is the basic tenet of 12-step recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous. The movement also rests on a pillar of humility. You don …
Read more on Boston Globe
LIVING SAFE: STAR Program offers path to recovery for certain offenders
Success Through Addiction Recovery is a program commonly called the “Drug Court.” A specialized docket, the cases in this courtroom are comprised of repeat offenders who have evidenced not only a drug addiction but a desire to receive treatment.
Read more on Your Houston News