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Posts Tagged ‘alcohol rehab’


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Answer by raysny
The most recent I could find for the US has the figures for 1997:

“A study shows that the U.S. spent a combined $ 11.9 billion on alcohol and drug abuse treatment, while the total social costs were more than $ 294 billion. The results were part of the National Estimates of Expenditures for Substance Abuse Treatment, 1997, which was released at the end of April by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

The report, prepared by the MEDSTAT Group for SAMHSA, examines how much is spent in the U.S. to treat alcohol and drug abuse, how that spending has changed between 1987 and 1997, how much of the spending is done by the private and public sectors, and how substance abuse expenditures compare to spending for mental health and other health conditions in the U.S.”

In NY:
“States report spending $ 2.5 billion a year on treatment. States did not distinguish whether the treatment was for alcohol, illicit drug abuse or nicotine addiction. Of the $ 2.5 billion total, $ 695 million is spent through the departments of health and $ 633 million through the state substance abuse agencies. We believe that virtually all of these funds are spent on alcohol and illegal drug treatment.”
Source: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, Shoveling Up: The Impact of Substance Abuse on State Budgets (New York, NY: CASA, Jan. 2001), p. 24.

States Waste Billions Dealing with Consequences of Addiction, CASA Study Says
May 28, 2009

The vast majority of the estimated $ 467.7 billion in substance-abuse related spending by governments on substance-abuse problems went to deal with the consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, not treatment and prevention, according to a new report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University.

The report, titled, “Shoveling Up II: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal, State and Local Budgets,” found that 95 percent of the $ 373.9 billion spent by the federal government and states went to paying for the societal and personal damage caused by alcohol and other drug use; the calculation included crime, health care costs, child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness and other consequences of tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction.

Just 1.9 percent went to treatment and prevention, while 0.4 percent was spent on research, 1.4 percent went towards taxation and regulation, and 0.7 percent went to interdiction.

“Such upside-down-cake public policy is unconscionable,” said Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA’s founder and chairman. “It’s past time for this fiscal and human waste to end.”

CASA estimated that the federal government spent $ 238.2 billion on substance-abuse related issues in 2005, while states spent $ 135.8 billion and local governments spent $ 93.8 billion. The report said that 58 percent of spending was for health care and 13.1 percent on justice systems.

Researchers estimated that 11.2 percent of all federal and state government spending went towards alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse and addictions and its consequences. The report said that Connecticut spent the most proportionately on prevention, treatment and research — $ 10.39 of every $ 100 spent on addiction issues — while New Hampshire spent the least — 22 cents.

Key Findings

Of the $ 3.3 trillion total federal and state government spending, $ 373.9 billion –11.2 percent, more than one of every ten dollars– was spent on tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction and its consequences.

The federal government spent $ 238.2 billion (9.6 percent of its budget) on substance abuse and addiction. If substance abuse and addiction were its own budget category at the federal level, it would rank sixth, behind social security, national defense, income security, Medicare and other health programs including the federal share of Medicaid.

State governments spent $ 135.8 billion (15.7 percent of their budgets) to deal with substance abuse and addiction, up from 13.3 percent in 1998. If substance abuse and addiction were its own state budget category, it would rank second behind spending on elementary and secondary education.

Local governments spent $ 93.8 billion on substance abuse and addiction (9 percent of their budgets), outstripping local spending for transportation and public welfare.¹

For every $ 100 spent by state governments on substance abuse and addiction, the average spent on prevention, treatment and research was $ 2.38; Connecticut spent the most, $ 10.39; New Hampshire spent the least, $ 0.22.

For every dollar the federal and state governments spent on prevention and treatment, they spent $ 59.83 shoveling up the consequences, despite a growing

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Alcohol dependency is really a serious issue, and according to the American Medical Association, it is an illness. This isn’t a thing that is likely to simply go away for good by itself. It has to be handled quickly but it will require a good deal of work and continual vigilance even subsequent to completing an alcohol rehab program to avoid any relapses.

Alcohol addiction is a chronic ailment that just cannot be cured with a simple trip to a therapist. The procedure will be extensive and involved, and it might also be painful, but the harm a one does to his own body as well as to friends and family members is often much worse.

Substance abuse and dependency actually leads to physical changes in the human brain and body. Gradually a user starts to depend on these substances to be able to sustain regular systemic operation, and the brain won’t understand how to proceed without it. That is why the most effective alcohol rehab program should include a period of detoxification as well as a continuous support system once the substances are gone and the body starts to heal itself.

How do you know when a person ought to enter an alcohol rehab program? Alcohol usage is so prevalent and common that it could be hard for some people to realize that there’s a problem. Is a friend that tends to drink too much on evenings out in trouble? Are a few glasses of wine prior to going to bed excessive? What about that shot of whiskey in the morning coffee? The best way to find out may be to take away the alcohol from those situations and see just what will happen.

Sadly, an individual might fully understand they have a drinking problem but never look for an alcohol rehab program. There was a famous writer that spoke about his drinking problem and of the day he came to the realization he was an alcoholic. It had been a nasty realization, but he didn’t think: “I best get help,” he just thought: “I had better be careful.” He understood he had a condition, but he didn’t believe he could live or write without the crutch of substance abuse.

Alcohol rehab, however, does not have to be voluntary to work. Whether a person is coerced or directed into a rehabilitation program, there’s a comparatively high rate of success and many people will remain sober after finishing the process. This is the reason interventions by friends and family are often step one for effectively conquering the compulsion.

An alcohol rehab plan will always start with the detoxification period. A body needs to clear away the chemicals that have been causing problems. Giving up this physical dependency can be hard, and it will have some withdrawal symptoms that could be quite intense depending on the length of time and how much a person has been drinking.

After this physical issue is overcome, though, it’s time to overcome the psychological effects. In order to prevent any relapses and ensure an individual stays clean, a lot of alcohol rehab programs offer continuous help and guidance to help these people maintain their sobriety and start a healthier and happier life.

One thing that Barry knows about is alcohol treatment program and the problems it can cause. He will be able to teach you all about malibu alcohol treatment and the concept of implement an effective program. For additional information see his related articles.

The latest in celebrity gossip is sometimes old news in new packaging—yet another celebrity is found to have entered rehab and come out just to be arrested again, and sent back to rehab again. Lohan, Olsen twins, Winehouse, Spears the list goes on. It seems that not a day goes by in the calendar when some famous guy/girl is not arrested for drug or alcohol abuse. Not a day goes by without news of someone famous going into rehab. Seems like entertainment and addiction have intermingled, like a snake constricting its prey. But this goes for famous folks with money. What about us normal beings with limited resources?

A serious addiction to anything might spell disastrous consequences. What are headlines to people may be nightmarish if it happens to us. When drug and alcohol addiction starts to choke your life and takes away the sunshine from your heart and soul it is time to get up and demand some real treatment to get back to your life. It is time for the best addiction treatment not empty promises.

The most widely used method in drug and alcohol rehab is to use drugs to beat drugs, like using poison to combat poison. The usage of these drugs is highly regulated and administered under clinically regulated circumstances. The drugs are administered to help meet with effects of drug withdrawal. There is another natural and effective way that cleans the bodily systems off of drug and alcohol. The method also combats behavioral and psychological changes—rendering positive behavior and helping the addicted person to lead a free and happy life.

This method is a holistic drug addiction treatment program that treats the person as a whole—including the reasons for addiction, process of thinking, ways of addiction, and chemical changes in the body. The program aims at a step by step detoxification of the body and thus enables the abuser to get over his/her addictions and communicate with others. The person on completion of the therapy can then return to the society as a contributing and responsible citizen. Sounds too good to be true? But if you have slipped into the bottomless abyss of addiction, and drugs and alcohol are throttling your neck making it hard to breathe and affecting your personal and social life, then why not give this a try? They are not promising empty words but they are promising rehabilitation.

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Alcohol was discovered many centuries ago, since then substance has been recognized as style statement by consuming in a gathering, as poison that killed and destroyed various people and families and also as the most harmful weapon that sweet biter but still addicts. Alcohol rehab centers are trying their best to eliminate and eradicate the bad habit from the patients. More over the other addictions which are claiming lives such as drug, cocaine, and heroin have also added with patients consuming alcohols. Patients are found with multi-addiction decreasing their span of life on the planet.

Therefore, various alcohol residential treatments providing inpatient treatment for substance abuse have been recognized by the rehab centers. Using the evidence based treatments and substance abuse therapies help the patient gain the will power to sustain the urges for addiction. Once the confidence get enhanced, the patients are able to eliminate the thoughts and minds set that habituate them for the alcohol. The therapies involved in the substance abuse are taken from the evidence based treatments to make the patients believe in the procedures. In evidence based therapies, the successful therapies are repeated in newly addicted patients.

Inpatient substance abuse has become the most effective treatment in this modernization era. Today, alcohol has become the symbol of modernization and weak mindset always gets acquainted with it. To be addicted no one needs any group or social circle, the day any person finds themselves mentally weak, the alcohol and other substances are the first to increase your urge to intoxicate. These malaise habits let the people get away from the beautiful life and involve themselves wrong habits that take away life one day. Therefore, when a person get treatment using inpatient treatment for substance abuse and evidence-based programs it maximizes the chances of quick recoveries by the patients.

This is helping various patients to get the fast and quick recoveries using the best therapies provided by the medical practitioners. Patients, who have tried various options to eradicate the alcohol, may find the rehab centers are providing best treatment programs. Curing the habit from mind by building strong repulsion techniques by the brain is used in the inpatient treatment for substance abuse for inpatient treatment for substance abuse by the patients. By counseling and making moral of the patient’s confident, helps medicines to work effectively. Therefore, alcohol treatment provided by the clinics offer unreliable results in very short span of time.

To learn more about Opiate Addiction Treatment, feel free to visit: Inpatient Substance Abuse.

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