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Programs vary at Christian drug rehab centers. In drug rehab centers in florida and Christian treatment centers for alcoholism and addiction follow Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Step Model for recovery.

Both Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) consider themselves to be “spiritual” rather than “religious” programs. However, the roots of AA (and therefore NA) are in the Christianity.

Alcoholics and addicts working towards recovery are like the proverbial sinner seeking redemption. Their programs are similar: alcoholics and addicts have the 12 Steps of AA; Christians have the Bible’s Ten Commandments.

The first and second commandments are requirements that only God is to be worshiped.

Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous tells those seeking recovery from alcoholism or addiction that they must admit and accept their disease, their powerlessness over it, and recognize the unmanageability of their lives. The spiritual principle behind Step One is Honesty.

Step Two offers encouragement in that it offers hope — and Hope is this step’s spiritual principle — for a belief in a Higher Power can aid in achieving and maintaining sobriety.

The third commandment is a reminder that if God’s name is used, it should be used properly, preferably prayerfully.

The Third Step informs addicts and alcoholics to turn themselves over to the care of their Higher Power. The principle is Faith.

The fourth commandment is a prompt to work all week, then rest, worshiping God on the Sabbath.

The Fourth Step’s spiritual principle is Courage. It’s needed as this step insists upon a personal inventory along with an accounting of misdeeds.

In Step Five, Integrity is the spiritual principle. That’s what’s exhibited when AA members admit their wrongdoings.

The fifth commandment is fairly self-explanatory. In AA, it’s worthwhile to honor your program elders (sponsor, “Old-timers,” etc.).

Willingness is the principle in Step Six. One must be willing to have their character flaws removed by a Higher Power.

The remainder of the Ten Commandments involves what NOT to do:

Don’t murder anyone

Don’t cheat on your spouse

Don’t steal

Don’t lie about your neighbor or anything else

Don’t be envious

Humility is the spiritual principle of Step Seven. It is necessary to be pride-free when seeking assistance in removing our faults.

In Step Eight, the principle is Brotherly Love. That’s what addicts and alcoholics need in order to prepare to atone for misdeeds.

The principle of Step Nine is Justice. Justice is meted out when addicts and alcoholics carry out Step Eight and attempt to make “amends.”

Perseverance is Step Ten’s spiritual principle. It’s necessary to have perseverance when examining one’s thoughts and actions and admit wrongdoing.

Step Eleven’s principle is Spirituality. This step provides guidance on meditation and prayer.

Service is the spiritual principle for Step Twelve. Like evangelical Christianity, service is carrying the message and assisting those in need.

Christian drug rehab centers in Florida and drug rehab centers in florida are finding areas where AA and NA overlap with faith and sharing what they discover with those in need of recovery.

Please come check out our alcohol rehab florida or Addiction Treatment in Florida .

About the Author:

This article is written by Peter Rhett .

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Alcohol addiction recovery has been a elusive issue for people grappling with this problem. Though there are counselors, alcohol rehabs and many other treatments available, nothing seems to help the alcoholic persons. Alcohol is a social menace which has devastated many lives and severed even blood bonds. Once caught in the grip of this liquid, people find it next impossible to stop drinking. They crave for whisky several times in a day and when stopped, they become violent and sabotage everything they have at hand. Sometimes their frustration drives them to take extreme step – suicide. There are instances when alcoholic person failed to withstand the craving and end his life to escape humiliation.

Where everything fails, prayer works. Energy medicine provides reliable alcohol addiction recovery program. No medicine to take, no shock therapy, no abstinence and no living in rehabilitation center. Energy medicine has helped over thirty thousand alcohol addicts from returning back to their normal life, free of alcohol obviously. If the stories of people treated with energy medicine are to be believed then the world has a sure way to treat alcohol addiction. The new way to liberty from alcohol is reliable, cost effective and doesn’t require the addicted person to remain under supervision.

The energy medicine doctor examines the alcoholic person both from inside and outside and then starts his treatment which is counseling. The energy doctor with the help of his special abilities detects the problem area and tells the patient about all that is happening within the patient’s body. This is a unique alcohol addiction recovery program in which the patient is made to understand what is good for his health and why he should abstain from the golden liquid which is called alcohol. Looking at the number of people benefitted from energy treatment, there remains little doubt that it can help people get rid of alcohol.

Medical science has also acknowledged the advantage of energy treatment. There are doctors who substantiate the claim made by energy doctors. They recommend this treatment to their patients. Energy treatment is becoming popular day by day. Alcohol has people of all ages in its strong grip. Men and women, young and adult and even elderly and old are fighting with alcohol. Now with the help of energy alcohol addiction recovery, it is easy for people to stop drinking alcohol. They can discover the energy within their body hence no need to rely on any external source for feeling empowered.

Reed Boltmann is an expert who helps people learns the most effective way to get the highest power, attain instant enlightenment and the sanctity of inner peace. The author also assists them get rid of their stress, anxiety and self-sabotaging behaviors.For More Information Please Visit,alcohol addiction recovery.

Long Term Alcohol Rehab offers treatment programs that allow an alcoholic woman to address not only the addiction but also the underlying causes of the addiction. These rehab facilities offer a safe haven for women who have come to the end of their rope with addiction. Long term alcohol rehab programs offer many services to the recovering alcoholic woman such as: medical care, counseling, psychological support and educational training. In fact many of the staff members and long term alcohol rehabs are actually recovering addicts who serve as role models. Many long term treatment programs are inpatient treatment facilities that offer food, shelter and clothing while the individual is going through treatment.
Alcoholism is defined as drinking alcoholic beverages to a level that interferes with physical health, mental health, social, family, and job responsibilities. Men and women both suffer from addiction and many treatment centers offer a co-gender approach to the treatment of addiction. It is important to note that while the symptoms may be the same, the way that the addiction takes hold is more often than not very different. Women who abuse alcohol have higher rates of depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies, many of them have been exposed to trauma as a child and some sort of domestic violence. Many times in treatment a woman will admit to coming from a family who abused alcohol. It is also not uncommon for a woman who grew up in an abusive household to gravitate to that type of life as an adult.
When searching for a program that addresses women and alcohol the individual should seek a treatment center must understand that is fully staffed by women. This increases the chance of success when women are able to recover in an all female treatment center. In a gender-specific treatment facility, women can open up more about the past, their relationships and feelings in a safe nurturing environment without worrying about what men are thinking.
When searching for a long term alcohol rehab facility it’s important to choose the right geographical area for treatment. Many times an alcoholic will find it very easy to relapse when they are going to a rehab program in the same area in which they live. Unfortunately with alcohol and any other drug the reasons for addiction are caused by the living and work environment, therefore it is more conducive to the recovery process to find a treatment program out of area. For instance many addicts find drug rehab in California to be a great place to start over. With its golden sunshine and close distance to the Pacific Ocean it is a very peaceful and serene place to start a new and sober journey. Using a facility out of state also allows for stronger bonds to be formed between the patient and staff members which helps aid in the recovery process.

Safe Harbor Treatment Center located in Costa Mesa, California is a gender-specific treatment center specializing in long term drug rehab and alcohol rehab. Safe Harbor addresses the specific needs of women and alcohol, is a women only staffed facility that offers many services to aid in recovery. Do you or someone you know need help with addiction? Please visit our website or call us today for more information 877-660-7623.

Alcohol rehab center attendees

Image by Boyznberry
On Sunday, we had a celebration as these men are halfway through their 3-month program

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A Kelowna alcohol and drug rehab center is introducing a program geared toward helping adults and adolescents stop their cocaine addiction at Drug Addiction Treatment Centers. Based on information released by the National Anti-Drug Strategy in Canada, …
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Most of the people start drinking just to have fun or due to peer pressure and then gradually gets addicted to it. A large number of people who are addicted to alcohol doesn’t realize it till the situation becomes worse. So in case you notice someone in your family or friend circle is getting addicted to it, then you should immediately get him admitted to a good alcohol rehab center. There are various such treatment service providers available nowadays. You can choose one according to your needs and budget. It is very important to get a rehab center to get treated and get out of addiction totally. Alcohol addiction can take anyone to complete disaster and it is very important to treat it in the early stages only as later on it becomes more difficult to cope with it.

Encourage the addicts to get admitted in a well known and reputed treatment center and get treated. It will benefit them for sure. Alcoholism affects the health and other aspects of his life and the addicted person’s life start getting downhill. His performance in school/college or office gets effected and it is a bad sign for the future of the addicted person. At present such rehab centers are available throughout the United States. Most of them provide more than just counseling; they provide a place to go to beat the addiction with an efficient team of staff. The medical staffs in such centers there understand the needs of the alcoholic and do their best to make their lives easier and simpler. This facility indulges the patient in Co curricular activities like sports, dance and other things to divert their mind from alcohol and suppress the cravings. But you shall also be aware of the fact that results does not incur overnight, it takes time to get the desired results.

You should be patient about it. The patient may need to stay several weeks or even months to get the proper treatment. Several months are usual stays at these facilities, each patient with their own room. Once these patients are ready to move away from the facility the real work begins. They must keep away from the temptations of alcohol by staying away from people that he or she used to drink with. A good alcohol center always consists of trained and professional staff that makes sure of effective treatment to the patients while maintaining an alcohol free environment. They also provide information about the ill effects of alcoholism and how to get rid of it. Along with proper medication and treatment they give proper care, love and affection to the patient, so that he will get motivated from inside and tries his best to come out of his dependence.

Since prevention is better than cure, we always shall educate the youngsters about its bad effects. From start only he shall be taught about what harm dependence on alcohol can do the harm it does to the individual, to his family and the society as a whole.

Article Source:

Clinton Dixon works as a skilled writer who wrote for various Alcohol Rehab Center in California . He is also working on Pacific Hills Treatment Center.

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