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Posts Tagged ‘addiction treatment’

Debra Chew: Thinking Outside The Prescription Bottle For Pain Relief
Whether intentional or not, many individuals are finding themselves addicted to the very prescribed medicines they look to for pain relief. And, that addiction often sends them on to illegal drugs. Nearly four out of five people who recently started …
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Columbia Council to tackle extending homeless shelter operation deeper into
They are transported on Christ Central vans to medical, education, job or addiction treatment facilities around town. The expanded service and the longer hours of operation permitted council time to seek help from providers of services to the homeless …
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Question by graccam: Urgent! HK Lai Chi Kok Reception Center. “Case: Drug”?
Professional opinions are urgently needed!

My friend has been suffering from insomnia for more than 8 years and has been diagnosed to have Depression in Psychiatric Specialits. However, due the the insufficient no. of sleeping spills given by the psychiatrist, he bought the over-the-counter sleeping spills namely Dopareel (but I also heard some ppl called it A.P.O). He had once been penalised for bout $ 2000 as keeping this ‘toxic’ drugs in 2007. Before the Chinese Lunar Holiday, he was caught by the ploice.and this time the case was brought to the court again. He was sent to the Lai Chi Kok Reception Center and will be staying there until 23/4 for the sake of getting the “Report”. I am not sure of what kinda the report is about. should be about whether he’s got any addiction of the drug. In addiction, he needs to consult the psychologist in late April.
The questions I wanna ask are:
1. Will the stay be prolonged in the Center?
2. How could he seek legal aids?
3. The 1st time urine analysis shows that it is PURE. and what would he be sent to the Reception Center?
4. How how probably he will be sent to the prison/ Hei Ling Chau Addiction Treatment Center?

Best answer:

Answer by craftylass
Your friend needs to contact an attorney. The attorney will be able to answer these questions. He (or you, or a friend) should be able to ask the authorities at the center how to obtain legal aid.

Good luck.

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Outpatient Addiction Treatment Florida offers a variety of treatment options to get an individual on the road to recovery. It is difficult to distinguish the proper therapy for an individual without a proper prognosis. The sufferer must undergo an evaluation with a medical professional in order to choose the proper course of therapy.

There are a multitude of facilities that help individuals deal with the emotional, physical, and financial strain of alcoholism. The right program for the individual will depend on many factors, such as the severity of the condition and the living status of the individual. By taking these factors into account, along with a physician’s recommendations, it can help to steer the individual toward the road to recovery.

Outpatient treatments are for those whose conditions are not as severe. These individuals exhibit symptoms of minor alcoholism but they are able to be aided by medications and/or counseling efforts. Once one completes an inpatient program, this is normally his or her next step.

Inpatient treatments work best for those who have a chronic reliance on drinking and that cannot quit without proper guidance. This individual will need constant supervision, especially in the beginning of treatments, as they can experience a host of withdrawal symptoms. A continual support system is often needed for this type of alcoholic.

Societies that come together in the name of providing these types of services to recovering addicts are known as therapeutic communities. These teach the importance of continued sobriety and help bring the member back into productive society. This support base is something that many recovering addicts need in order to be successful in their road to sobriety.

The most effective course of treatment is first consulting with a physician. This helps determine the degree to which he or she is dependent on drinking. There are warning signs that dictate the extent of one’s addiction, like withdrawing from friends and family that should be watched for. The multitude of options available should be strong enough to aid one in his or her recovery process.

Alcohol treatment Florida offers a variety of treatment options to get an individual on the road to recovery. It is difficult to distinguish the proper therapy for an individual without a proper prognosis. The sufferer must undergo an evaluation with a medical professional in order to choose the proper course of therapy.

There are a multitude of facilities that help individuals deal with the emotional, physical, and financial strain of alcoholism. The right program for the individual will depend on many factors, such as the severity of the condition and the living status of the individual. By taking these factors into account, along with a physician’s recommendations, it can help to steer the individual toward the road to recovery.

Alcohol treatment Florida offers a variety of treatment options to get an individual on the road to recovery. It is difficult to distinguish the proper therapy for an individual without a proper prognosis. The sufferer must undergo an evaluation with a medical professional in order to choose the proper course of therapy.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment Florida can assist those recovering from different addictions, such as alcoholism.

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Question by Niki: I think my friend has a shopping problem. Is there somebody she can see to fix this problem?
She was depressed today becausee her and her boyfriend got into a fight, im NOT suprised. all they EVER do is fight. & she was crying so we girls day and went shopping. she went CRAZY! spent 1,000 in one store, no joke. she was like ” i want this and this and this and this.. omg that is SO cuteee”. she needs to save at least a little money for a rainy day. she bought a lot of dior and steve madden. I told her she is handing over her credit card until she can learn to manage money better. this is ridicilous for a 19 yr old to be spending 1,000 in one store. she was like ” shopping is instant mood lifter, i feel so much better now”

Best answer:

Answer by D!CK !N A BOX

some people have coffee. some people have cigarettes. some people have cocaine.
your friend shops herself into oblivion. yes you can get her help, look up “shopping addiction treatment or rehabilitation” online.

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Elizabeth Vargas' husband 'had affair when she was in rehab'
The sources claim that songwriter Cohn — who wrote “Walking in Memphis” and has been married to Vargas since 2002 — was seen with the divorced spin guru during and after Vargas was undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction. Vargas sought …
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California Non 12-Step Addiction Treatment Centers Awarded CARF Accreditation
Watsonville, California – In March 2014, the Redwood Cliffs alcohol and drug treatment facility (utilizing the Narconon drug rehabilitation method) was very pleased and proud to announce the achievement of three-year accreditation from CARF …
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Baby Gray Squirrel

Image by audreyjm529
3/9/08 This little girl fell out of a pine tree with her two sibling during a wind storm last night. The mother got the other two but left her. We picked her up and will rehabilitate her and then set him free in a safe location. Right now she weighs 50 grams.

Heroin summit aimed at being honest about addiction, recovery
In an effort to educate the public and spare others from the pain and suffering caused by drug abuse, the two men have created the movement “Rise Together.” They have visited high schools, rehabilitation clinics, police departments and community forums …
Read more on Green Bay Press Gazette

His House Addiction Treatment Center Holds Quarterly Networking Luncheon in
Bob Tyler, a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor II with more than 20 years of experience, has titled today's lecture, "Access to Recovery: No Addict Left Behind," according to officials from His House Rehab. Tyler's approaches in practice include …
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