Programs vary at Christian drug rehab centers. In drug rehab centers in florida and Christian treatment centers for alcoholism and addiction follow Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Step Model for recovery.
Both Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) consider themselves to be “spiritual” rather than “religious” programs. However, the roots of AA (and therefore NA) are in the Christianity.
Alcoholics and addicts working towards recovery are like the proverbial sinner seeking redemption. Their programs are similar: alcoholics and addicts have the 12 Steps of AA; Christians have the Bible’s Ten Commandments.
The first and second commandments are requirements that only God is to be worshiped.
Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous tells those seeking recovery from alcoholism or addiction that they must admit and accept their disease, their powerlessness over it, and recognize the unmanageability of their lives. The spiritual principle behind Step One is Honesty.
Step Two offers encouragement in that it offers hope — and Hope is this step’s spiritual principle — for a belief in a Higher Power can aid in achieving and maintaining sobriety.
The third commandment is a reminder that if God’s name is used, it should be used properly, preferably prayerfully.
The Third Step informs addicts and alcoholics to turn themselves over to the care of their Higher Power. The principle is Faith.
The fourth commandment is a prompt to work all week, then rest, worshiping God on the Sabbath.
The Fourth Step’s spiritual principle is Courage. It’s needed as this step insists upon a personal inventory along with an accounting of misdeeds.
In Step Five, Integrity is the spiritual principle. That’s what’s exhibited when AA members admit their wrongdoings.
The fifth commandment is fairly self-explanatory. In AA, it’s worthwhile to honor your program elders (sponsor, “Old-timers,” etc.).
Willingness is the principle in Step Six. One must be willing to have their character flaws removed by a Higher Power.
The remainder of the Ten Commandments involves what NOT to do:
Don’t murder anyone
Don’t cheat on your spouse
Don’t steal
Don’t lie about your neighbor or anything else
Don’t be envious
Humility is the spiritual principle of Step Seven. It is necessary to be pride-free when seeking assistance in removing our faults.
In Step Eight, the principle is Brotherly Love. That’s what addicts and alcoholics need in order to prepare to atone for misdeeds.
The principle of Step Nine is Justice. Justice is meted out when addicts and alcoholics carry out Step Eight and attempt to make “amends.”
Perseverance is Step Ten’s spiritual principle. It’s necessary to have perseverance when examining one’s thoughts and actions and admit wrongdoing.
Step Eleven’s principle is Spirituality. This step provides guidance on meditation and prayer.
Service is the spiritual principle for Step Twelve. Like evangelical Christianity, service is carrying the message and assisting those in need.
Christian drug rehab centers in Florida and drug rehab centers in florida are finding areas where AA and NA overlap with faith and sharing what they discover with those in need of recovery.
Please come check out our alcohol rehab florida or Addiction Treatment in Florida .
About the Author:
This article is written by Peter Rhett .
Pyramid Healthcare Publishes Video About Alcohol Withdrawal & Detox
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Alcohol & Drug Rehab Saskatoon Announces New Program to Stop Marijuana …
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Alcohol & Drug Rehab Winnipeg Launches Program to Support Adolescents in …
Winnipeg, Canada (PRWEB) January 11, 2014. A Winnipeg alcohol and drug rehab center is announcing that it has started a new program aimed at helping adolescents break their abuse of marijuana through new services available at Drug Addiction Treatment …
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Alcohol & Drug Rehab St. Catharines Introduces Program to Help Adults …
A St. Catharines alcohol and drug rehab center is introducing a program geared toward helping adults and adolescents stop their cocaine addiction through services available at Drug Addiction Treatment Centers. Based on facts collected from the National …
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Drug addiction is among the serious plague in the most of the western countries people are struggling with so many years. People who are
addicted to any form of drugs always find themselves in trouble in their professional as well as personal life. On of the lethal fact about the
drug addiction is that it not only affects the addicted individual but also puts bad impact on friends, family members especially on children. In
the recent survey, it has been noticed that the most of the people who get admitted in a reputed center for drug addiction treatment
Minnesota are mainly the teenagers or the young generation people. Thus, it becomes mandatory for the people as well as their family
members to admit in a treatment center before this plague takes your near and dear ones life away from you.
Generally, it has been seen that there are lots of people who hesitate in going for drug rehab in their respective state just because they do
not find an appropriate drug rehab center for the suitable healing program. Therefore, it is always better to find a treatment center according
to the retention factor or success rate which will help you in selecting a best one for your near and dear ones. Retention factor or success
rate can be defined as the number of individuals admits for a particular treatment program to the number of individual completed that
treatment programs. Here are some important and basic information about the treatment program that most of the drug rehab center usually
provide for the addicts in order to get rid of addiction with safe and ease.
Detoxification Treatment: Detoxification treatment is one of the first and foremost treatment that most of the treatment center provides to
patients. In this two to three weeks treatment program, the treatment professional as well as medical staff try to eliminate the toxic materials
with the help of suitable medicines. During this period patients have to stay in the drug rehab center so that they can deal with the withdrawal
symptoms which is usually shown by addicts in this period. In this treatment program the chances of relapses of higher because these
patients are kept away from the daily usage of drugs and they show various withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting and pain in the
body. Once the detoxification program is over, treatment center offers different rehabilitation program such as outpatient and inpatient
treatment facility.
Treatment facility: Inpatient treatment program are also called as residential treatment facility. In this program the patients have to stay in the
drug rehab center where the patient have to stay in residential setting under the close eye of medical professional. And other type of
treatment facility is intensive outpatient treatment program where the patient don’t need to stay in the center for the treatment. However, they
have to frequently visit the treatment center for treatment and medication.
Hence, for the purpose of acquiring best and suitable drug addiction treatment Minnesota residents have to be careful in their selection.
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