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Should Singers Be Concerned About the Message of Their Songs?

Question by schenzy: Should singers be concerned about the message of their songs?
Two examples spring to mind….

1: Avril Levigne’s “Girlfriend” — the message seems to be… It’s a good thing to physically, verbally and psychologically abuse nerds… go out there a kick a nerd’s a*s and steal her boyfriend. It’s fun. (Teenage girls by the millions LOVE this song)

2: Amy Winehouse: “Rehab”… This song seems to say “Hey alcoholics and drug addicts, stay in denial that you are in control. Keep drinking and taking drugs. Don’t try to get help. ”
I’m sure so many people who desperately need help for their addiction problems might see this video and be empowered NOT to get help for their problem.

So the question remains… is it just the song or is it also the song and the message an artist must consider?

Best answer:

Answer by omg
well sure if life was fair but since its not no one is responsible enough to make the decision

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