For people who are looking assistance in sex addiction, there are several kinds of available treatment programs that are being offered all across the globe. However, one should be very careful when choosing the best agency regarding this condition as being a sex addict is one of the most confidential and fragile state of a person. Some of the most common effective form of treatment is with the use of chemicals and other medications and there are also other recovery programs that assist patients with outmost understanding and provide real advices for the person to follow.
Some of the things that need to be asked when choosing the right treatment program for sex addiction include the following:
What are the groups that are catering these issues?
How many percentages of the therapy program will be merely focused on compulsiveness and sexual addiction?
What are the experiences of the staff that facilitates the program or groups for compulsiveness and sexual addiction?
Are there appropriate methods such as the 12-step philosophy that are being put into action?
Aside from the questions that one needs to ask, there are other components that should be considered in looking for the right treatment program. There should be a separate group that will allow couples to work on issues on their relationship that are more intimate. There should be proper education and giving out information regarding sexual addiction as well as compulsiveness in order to clarify misconceptions on the greatly misunderstood behaviors. It is essential for the program that includes a therapeutic relationship between the family and the patient. The staff should be trained enough to be understand each family member’s vulnerability regarding this issue. Family members should also be provided with the various symptoms and behaviors that show the possibility of obtaining this kind of situation.
Studies have shown that majority of patients become sex addicts due to the influence of drugs and alcohol that is why recovery programs should have drug and alcohol treatment programs as well in order to resolve the root cause of the problem. However, the main difference between alcohol or drug treatment from sexual addiction recovery is that the latter is not considered as a lifelong abstinence. Sexual abstinence is required during the time of the treatment that will usually last for 60 to 90 days. This self-abstinence from any sexual activities will enable a person know the certain factors that triggers his or her addiction to sex.
Jet Bellen is an author who specializes in addiction recovery and has a passion in helping informing people about the consequences brought by addiction
Tags: addiction recovery, alcohol treatment, alcohol treatment program, drug and alcohol, drug treatment, family members, sex addiction, sexual addiction