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Sex Addiction and One Sufferer's Recovery

Sex addiction and one sufferer's recovery
"The Voice" grew out of that experience and furthers Kleinberg's commitment to the recovery process, for himself and others touched by the show (all ticket proceeds are dedicated to different 12-step sex addiction recovery programs and nonprofits that …
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Ex-NBA Player Talks to Students About His Drug Addiction and Recovery
Former NBA star Chris Herren once enjoyed a life of fame, basking in the adoration of cheering fans every time he scored points on the court. He traveled to Italy, China, Poland, Turkey, and Iran to participate in major leagues. But such a prestigious …
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Longtime editor David Kleinberg exposes sex addiction
Currently running at Stage Werx Theatre in The City and directed by Mark Kenward, “The Voice: One Man's Journey Into Sex Addiction and Recovery” is deeply revealing and, at times, downright humorous. “It's a taboo addiction, and nobody really wants to …
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