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Q&A: Help! I Have a Huge Internet Addiction?

Question by : help! I have a huge internet addiction?
It’s REALLY bad!! I can’t seem to stop!!

*every* night the same thing happens: my husband goes to sleep before me, (very quickly too), so I no longer am rushed to go to bed. In fact, I feel liberated. I get on the computer to watch “just one funny video” or look at “just one site”, and tell myself I really just want to go to bed. I was tired before, but slowly, I become intrigued like a child in a playground..

and before I know it, I have stayed up THE WHOLE NIGHT browsing, commenting on videos, sometimes writing on the computer, doing research on topics online. It’s awful!
I want to stop wasting my time!! I don’t want to comment on videos, look at numerous sites and do this! Why am I doing this?!
Do you guys think chronic pain has something to do with it? or maybe, unfulfillment during the day time?
It could be coupled with a “night” addiction…I love the night..
I’m 22 years old
the chronic pain is from a phlebotomy injury a year ago

Best answer:

Answer by Myqerem Tafaj
Tell your husband to disconnect the internet from your computer, password protect it, so you can only surf at a certain limit.

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