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Q&A: He Broke Up With Me After I Supported Through His Addiction!!! How Could He Done Such a Thing?

Question by becca: He broke up with me after I supported through his addiction!!! How could he done such a thing?
We were going to get married then this past Sunday he said he has to leave. He can’t handle a relationship and committment anymore. After I forgave him for cheating on me and then he had a Drug problem, I supported him and went to rehab with him. I love this man and I feel so devasted and lost without him. How could he have done such of thing? Then he says “it’s him”, you are perfect. He can’t give me any answers. I can’t stop calling him, asking him why? I feel like such a fool. I feel so used!!
I appreciate your answers, I just really hurt and I feel like I am not keeping it together. I know the answers to my questions are in my reach, I am just in a lot of pain!!!
He is so strong with his words, it is like he never ever cared!!!! I hate that!! Here I am crying like a baby and he is on the path to a new life, how can someone be so cold!!
Thank you all!! Especially you Craig!!

Best answer:

Answer by citygirlintown
Girl, do you really want to be with an ex.addict that doesn’t know or can’t see you are too valuable for him??? I mean, you can get more, if he doesn’t want to be with you, then look for someone better. Love and drugs don’t match, look for a healthy man, responsible, now you have the chance to get a guy who cares for you and not the other way around.
Don’t be fool, cut this out and move on.

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