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Q&A: Good Luck X-Pac ( Send Msgs Here)?

Question by Mahmoud C: Good Luck X-Pac ( Send msgs here)?
i know this isnt a question but i read that Sean Waltman AKA x-pac is in a terrible state. Just Leave your good luck and get well msgs here.

Sean Waltman is in a rehab facility in Texas. Kevin Nash flew to Texas a few weeks back to check him in for both psychiatric care and rehab. Nash reportedly contacted Triple H to get the wheels in motion for WWE to pay for his rehab. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Nash was also instrumental in getting Scott Hall to agree to rehab.

“The Observer also reports that girlfriend (an ex-WWF diva) Alicia Webb discovered Waltman, in his Mexico City apartment, barely alive after allegedly attempting to hang himself, in a manner similiar to Chris Benoit’s suicide. When she found him, he was purple and had broken blood vessels in his eye and face. Waltman has denied this report, and claims he had a bad reaction from mixing alcohol and antidepressants. ”

Hope you can overcome this sean =)
rted rko. doesnt everyone deserve chances? for eg look at eddie guerrero. the same could of been said about him. but he fought because he had millions of fans and his family around him

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