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Q&A: Do Christians Know Ex-Gay Therapy Dosent Work?

Question by Bob T: Do Christians know Ex-gay therapy dosent work?
OK so I am gay. I have been coming to terms with this my whole life. I enjoy my close bond with God and I like studying scripture. I recently asked this question:;_ylt=Am9U_4Z290SEUg2arah9jqnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120624132427AAsjARk

hoping to get answers about being gay in a conservative church.

Most people are telling me I can pray the gay away. Do they know you can not change? That everyone from American Psychiatric Association to Dr. Phil have said that it is dangerous to try and change? Do they know this or do they just refuse to believe being gay may actually be harmless/something your born with

just an example. Also explore NARTH and those who left exodusinternational

Best answer:

Answer by Lalapef Melfofo
It worked on me!

And it is VERY harmfull
People who practice homosexuality experience higher rates of many diseases, including:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Hepatitis A, B and C
Gay Bowel syndrome
Bacterial vaginosis

People who practice homosexuality have higher rates of:

Alcohol abuse
Drug abuse
Nicotine dependence
Domestic violence (20 times more common than among heterosexuals)

You think it is dangerous to change! It is far more dangerous to stay gay!

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