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Latest How to Stop Drinking News

Heaton mum's 30 year fight to stop drink-drivers – Heaton – Communities
The drunk driver who killed her teenage daughter was fined £75 and banned from the roads for just 12 months. In the 30 years since 16-year-old Helen lost her life, attitudes to drink-driving have thankfully changed beyond recognition. Maria's daughter …
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Jack Knox: How do we stop drinking drivers before it's too late?
Which, as the Counter-Attack season was ushered in with roadblocks up and down the Island on Friday – Light Up the Highway, they called it – leaves us wondering exactly what it will take to stop people from drinking and driving. Authorities cheered …
Read more on Victoria Times Colonist

TERRY CAMPBELL: Time to stop drinking the Kool-Aid, reach for the Tea
True conservatives believe in the constitutionally enforced, God-given individual rights. That includes the right of the unborn to live and thrive. We do not believe that our tax money should be used to fund an action that is against one of our core …
Read more on San Angelo Standard Times


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