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Latest Chemical Addictions Recovery Effort News

Why do we care if Lance apologizes?
All the moves of this dance are as familiar as the hackneyed plot of Robert Zemeckis' “Flight,” with Denzel Washington as an alcoholic airline pilot who destroys his career with addiction and sets himself free (while going to prison!) by telling the …
Read more on Salon

Here's What's Cooking for 2013
Then introduce such lighthearted topics as the U.S.' runaway entitlement spending, Europe's questionable allegiance to a common currency, and central banks' seemingly incurable addiction to money-printing, and, well, watch the "baloneys" fly. In other …
Read more on Barron’s

Church calendar
Small group meetings consist of topics such as codependency, eating disorders, financial recovery, food addiction, anger, sexual/physical/emotional abuse and chemical dependency. You do not need to be a member of Life Church to attend Celebrate …
Read more on Hattiesburg American

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