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Is the Recovery From Bulimia in a 12 Step Program Drastically Different Than Alcoholics Anonymous?

Question by Hello There: Is the recovery from bulimia in a 12 step program drastically different than Alcoholics Anonymous?
I had a friend tell me that in ABA for example- you don’t start counting days again if you purge again, and that the road to recovery isn’t complete abstinence from binging and purging, but reaching a level of manageability in which you ‘get back on the horse’ when you purge after a period of refraining. I was alarmed, but intrigued by her statements and wanted to find out if this was the case- since I’m so AA biased.

Best answer:

Answer by thebigz
there is over eaters antonymous in a 12 step program but as far as i know there is no program for bulimia you can make your program around the two where you are now and the oa program and see if that works if you like the 12 step program

Good Luck

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