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How Long Does It Take to Recover From the Pyschological Addiction to Cigarettes?

Question by greengirlmissy: How long does it take to recover from the pyschological addiction to cigarettes?
I quit smoking as of December 1. I have not smoked even one cigarette and I assume I am now past the “nicotine addiction”. However, whenever I walk by someone who has just smoked, I want a cigarette so badly my mouth will even water a little! Occasionally, while just hanging out, I will get a craving like that. I am concerned that this will NEVER go away, and if that is the case, that my quitting will not be successful. 🙁 Anybody out there have any sort of timeline or advice for me? I have been smoking since 2004.

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron
About 3 months. Then you can be around smokers and say the magic words “nah thanks i quit” and just think of all the hair that will still be in your head when ur thirty. ‘ )

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