Question by New Pup: How can I get my husband to see he has an alcohol problem?
My husband has always drunk a lot, but it seems to be getting worse. He started at 7:30AM this morning…a beer to cure the night before apparently and hasn’t stopped all day. I don’t remember a single day in over 2 years where he hasn’t had drinks, typically beer followed by a large bottle of wine then liquor.
I am tired of covering up for him and pretending everything is ok, it’s not. He is never physically abusive but is often verbally so and often in front of friends, tonight was probably the last straw in which I decided to try and seek some help.
I have been doing research and I think he is what would be described as a functioning alcoholic, he holds his job down.
I really don’t want to leave him, I want to help him, but this is tearing me apart. There is no communication and I’ve learnt the best way to deal with him when he’s like this is to avoid him until he passes out, but there is also no point bringing up the drinking when he is sober as it causes huge arguments.
Does anyone have any advice or been through something similar? Please help
Best answer:
Answer by oncebtn
start attending AA meeting then invite him to join you.
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