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“Do People in Recovery Always Contemplate Becoming an Addiction(s) Counselor?” ?

Question by getoverit: “Do people in recovery always contemplate becoming an addiction(s) counselor?” ?
I find that people in recovery often want to “give back” and get involved w/ others in recovery by considering counseling as a new career. Is this just a healing phase or is it some sort of “calling” to help out others?

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Westrope
It’s just a phase. Do you realize that only 3% of people with chemical addictions actually recover? Almost all addicts relapse and end up in rehab, time after time. Most addicts have to hit rock bottom (lose everything) before they accept they have a problem and need help. In working through rehabilitation and 12-step programs, you need to want to help others and give back. For most people, that phase passes and they move on to something else. However, the people that remain clean and sober, make very good counselors because they’ve “been there, done that.”

My direct answer to your question is NO … people in recovery do not always contemplate becoming rehabilitation counselors. Some do and some don’t.

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