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Company: Scientology Roots Not Relevant

Village employment and rehabilitation programme

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Project: construction of bus shelters

Company: Scientology roots not relevant
Nor do they want anyone to talk about recent deaths at a Scientology-related drug rehabilitation program. Toucan Partners is the company that owns the land off Cessna Drive that currently houses the Suncoast Rehabilitation Center. In recent depositions …

Prisoners face long wait for drug-rehab services
A troubling byproduct of that crowding, investigators found, was a crushing need for more access to critical rehabilitation programs, some of which serve as pathways to early release. Waiting lists were so long for the bureau's Residential Drug Abuse …
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Thousands of Prisoners Wait Months to Begin Drug Education and Rehab
Maurer and co-researchers found that overcrowding in federal prison system are preventing many inmates to gain access to critical rehabilitation programs because of staff shortages and limited resources. Given the long waiting lists for the bureau's …
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