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Can I Beat Depression on My Own Terms ?

Question by Allways Minus: can i beat depression on my own terms ?
Im mentally tough, ive dealt with lots of stress over 15 years. Lots of it is my fault, as i dont believe in caving in too stronger people.

But now my wife has started to harass me. Fighting at home is not what im built for. First time in my life i have been severely depressed. I cant concentrate, i cant work, i cant sleep, i cry a lot in private, im ripped apart that my wife of 14 years may leave me.

My psychiatrist prescribed cipralex – but as a practice i never take drugs. I think i shud do this. Plesae tell me if you agree.

1 – Start concentrating on work, make money
2 – More time with kids
3 – play the violin
4 – Get back to gym
5 – half a bottle of vodka a week with good friends
6 – Find a girl to hump everyday
7 – read books, edit my home videos, watch movies ( whenever i have time )

Its possible, is it not ? I can fight depression, can i not. Or do i have a chemical dopamine imbalance which can only be rectified by medicine ?
Edit – Ive tried with my wife for 7 months. Shes using sex as a weapon. I believe if i can get sex outside, i will leave her in peace to think me over . Im not a MCP
Edit – Ive tried with my wife for 7 months. Shes using sex as a weapon. I believe if i can get sex outside, i will leave her in peace to think me over . Im not a MCP

Best answer:

Answer by aRiAnA
Try try try but if u feel worse try the meds
good luck i know that is hard

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