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My Thirteen-Year-Old Brother Got Drunk?

Question by Hat on a Cat (Mercedes): My Thirteen-Year-Old Brother Got Drunk?
OK…Well anyway…Just for a quick overview of the situation, I’m fifteen and my younger brother just came home…He had to be picked up from this centre. He was with a friend who had a bottle of coke, and apparently he slipped rum into the coke and gave it to my brother…My brother drank enough to get drunk.

OK, well my dad is leaving it to me to talk to my brother (at my suggestion, I guess), because I tend to handle these situations better…

I seriously doubt that my brother couldn’t smell the alcohol (apparently rum, but I’m not sure), and he was hanging out with his friend and about eight other guys he doesn’t know…

What should I say and do? And please no stupid comments like “wo0op his a$ $ !!!11!!1!1,” because I think that is ignorant and stupid…
Also, this is totally unlike my brother…Neither of us have ever done anything like steal, do drugs, drink (until now), smoke, or even litter…Seriously…

I think he’s freaked out right now…He’s to the point where he threw up once…That was when he was still at the place, though…
Oh, and my dad already talked to him for a while…
He’s upstairs on his bed…

And I’m not going to yell at him or anything…Things like this are best talked about in a calm manner…Besides, things like this happen…I guess it’s just part of being a teenager…Hm…
I’m dreading the moment my mum comes home…Nooooo…
This is the first time he has EVER done something like this. He’s honestly a good kid.
Yeah, I’m not sure he’s ever smelled rum before…I have (not from drinking it, just smelling it), so yes…He also said there it was mostly coke, but he kept drinking more of it…Which seems strange to me, but who knows…
I told him that I’m not angry with him, and that I’ll make sure that my parents don’t get out of hand and get all angry at him…Everyone screws up…That’s just how you learn about life…
I figure he knew about the alcohol…

And no, my dad is acting like a parent; he talked to my brother, got him to explain things, didn’t get all angry, talked to him about what he did, and then left the rest to me…I’m closer to my brother than my parents are, so I see no problem with it…
Labels are for soup cans, you definitely make a good point…I read your whole answer; it wasn’t too long. Besides, I write a lot of stuff for my questions…

Best answer:

Answer by Dreams of the Future ?
I think you should let him cool off.
Give him a shower, let him rest and take care of this tomorrow morning.
Now – he won’t grasp anything.
He is probably fatigued and doesn’t know what is going on.
Plus – your dad already spoke to him.

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