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Is There Anything I Can Do to Help a Meth Addict?

Question by noodles: Is there anything I can do to help a meth addict?
My mom is addicted to the stuff and it basically ruined our family. I am now living out of the house so it’s not about my safety anymore, but I am just wanting to help her so badly. Is there anything I can do at all to help? I’m scared to buy her anything because she will just sell it. Please help, it’s really making me upset.

Best answer:

Answer by Wicked
Sadly there is nothing you can do if she doesn’t want the help. You could always try those interventions but unless she is wanting to get better the most that will happen is she will get angry and disappear. Something will scare her into getting the help she needs it took my brother losing his wife to his dealer and then almost overdosing on that crap before he got himself clean. Even then we didnt trust him for almost two years after that.

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