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Drug Addiction Rehab

I just recently found out that one of my good friends has recently relapsed and is once again on hard drugs. Let me first help you understand where this man came from and how he has ended up in the state he is today.

My friend many years ago got into very heavy drugs like cocaine and heroine by hanging with bad friends. He had 2 children and got married when he was pretty young. While his kids were very young his wife had to kick him out of their home because he was shooting up at home and was just totally out of it. Luckily his children were too young to remember any of this.

One day at work he overdosed on heroine. He was found in the bathroom stall by a fellow employee and his heart had stopped. After being rushed to the hospital and defeating all odds, he made it through the overdose.

After this experience he decided not to do drugs again and cleaned up his life. He got the rare second chance of remarrying his wife, getting his kids back, and they bought and moved into a new home. He has been clean for several years. His recover story was inspiring to all in the community as he was heavily active in community functions.

Well i just found out that this man has once again been kicked out of the house and is back on drugs all of a sudden? How does this kind of thing happen? Addiction is a constant temptation that never goes away for hard drug addicts. Just like our temptation to need a drink of water, or chocolate, a heavy recovering addict has these urges for the types of drugs they used to be on. In this man’s case he hurt his hand and was prescribed pain pills. Well taking a few too many led him right back on the road to getting heavy drugs. The sad thing is that now his kids are much older and understand what is going on. Constant care programs and continuing treatment programs are a must and for some recovering addicts need to be a life long thing to ensure the same thing happens again.

Please, if you have loved ones that have chosen the path of addiction, don’t just stand by the wayside. Help them get into a program and no matter how much they fight or hate you initially for it, they will thank you for it someday, even if in the next life.

Greg writes articles about Drug Addiction Rehab and for Drug Addiction

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