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Women’s Alcohol Rehab

Alcoholism is a plague which does not discriminate between man and woman. It affects women just as it affects men, but even more so. Researchers have found that women are more prone to falling prey to alcoholism than men. There bodily systems being different the problems they face are entirely different and in some cases severe. Thus, women are more prone to developing health risks via alcoholism as compared to men. Even women who drink on occasion or socially are at risk. alcoholic rehab for women helps these women overcome this addiction and lead a normal and healthy life.

Why do women drink? It is not aimed at being a sexist question but it is seen that women drink for the same reasons that men do. Physical or sexual abuse, strained or stressed relationship issues, low self-esteem etc. have all known to be contributing factors. The best addiction treatment help such women with support and aid them to identify the root of such issues and support them to eliminate the problems. If addiction crosses the safety threshold then not only will the woman face psychological and emotional problems, she will also develop serious health disorders as breast and liver cancer, osteoporosis, memory loss and brain damage, problems in the reproductive system etc. The female systems are not made to handle the damage a male system can take without sustaining serious loss.

The best alcohol rehab centers for women can be a bit intimidating at first because frankly most do not know what to expect and they back off. Every center has its own personalized and effective rehab programs which address specific needs of the individual. All in all the treatment involves a 3 tier process—Detoxification, Counseling and Aftercare. Detoxification consists of withdrawal from alcohol without going into relapse. Patients are taught methods of self-control and determination; they are also educated on the harmful effects of alcohol.

Detoxification is painful to most as it is hard to let go of the cravings but the process is short yet effective. After detoxification the individual is encouraged to attend support groups to share her experiences and find solace in the many other women who have let go and are happy about it. New strategies are taught to avoid breaking your resolve. The aftercare is usually a 12-step program which helps you to continue abstaining from liquor and maintain a healthy and alcohol free life.

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