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What Songs or Poems Are There About Recovery From Drug or Alcohol Addiction?

Question by Haruka07: What songs or poems are there about recovery from drug or alcohol addiction?
I’m doing an English project and I need a poem or song about a drug addict or alcoholic recovering from their addiction because they have seen that they have a family to live for, they have something worth fighting for. I can’t for the life of me find any poems or songs like this, though I’m sure they’re out there somewhere! So if you guys could help me out, I would be forever grateful!

Thanks ever so much! ^^

Best answer:

Answer by xo379
RHCP – Under the Bridge
“Under the bridge downtown/Is where I drew some blood/Under the bridge downtown/I could not get enough/Under the bridge downtown/Forgot about my love/Under the bridge downtown/I gave my life away . . .”

The Needle and the Damage Done – Neil Young
One of the most famous anti-heroin songs ever, “The Needle and the Damage Done” was directed at original Crazy Horse guitarist, Danny Whitten, who overdosed at the age of 29 several months after the song’s release. Young later remarked about the song: “I am not a preacher, but drugs killed a lot of great men.” The song appears on Harvest, which was the best-selling album of 1972. “I’ve seen the needle and the damage done/A little part of it in everyone/But every junkie’s like a settin’ sun . . .”

Gracy – Raymond Carter (poem)
No other word will do. For that’s what it was.
Gravy, these past ten years.
Alive, sober, working, loving, and
being loved by a good woman. Eleven years
ago he was told he had six months to live
at the rate he was going. And he was going
nowhere but down. So he changed his ways
somehow. He quit drinking! And the rest?
After that it was all gravy, every minute
of it…

Also…interesting article “When Novelists Sober Up”:

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