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'Tis the Season to Detox

'Tis the Season to Detox
Try these three recommendations: limit your alcohol, eat fruits and vegetables, and dance. The fascinating science behind these suggestions is unveiled below. Understanding the 'why' of a recommendation allows for making good choices: "don't touch …
Read more on Huffington Post (blog)

A sober January is not enough to revive your liver
A spokesman for Alcohol Concern said its campaign was aimed at encouraging people to think about how much they drank overall and does not claim to improve long-term health. Its campaign material is clear that Dry January is not a medical detox program, …
Read more on Calgary Herald

Detox without Dieting in the New Year: 5 Easy Tips
An unhealthy belly means and unhealthy body. Probiotics help level the playing field by increasing GOOD bacteria in the body. If you eat a lot of sugar, drink a lot of alcohol or have been on antibiotics recently, there is a strong chance the bad …
Read more on ChicagoNow (blog)


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